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Student Tribune

Liberty Partnerships Program Hosts Virtual Career Fair

On Wednesday, February 17th MCC’s Liberty Partnerships Program hosted a virtual career fair via Zoom. The event was open to middle and high school Rochester City School District students. A variety of professionals from several different career fields attended the career fair, including lawyers, a Rochester City Police Officer, an emergency room doctor, a respiratory therapist, a writer for Sports Illustrated, business owners, and many others. The event attracted almost twenty students, some staying for the whole duration, others joining to learn about specific career fields which matched their interests. 

The event took place over a continuous four hour stretch, broken down into 30-45 minute time slots to group related professions together into broader career field categories. These categories included law, health, technology and business, arts, sports, education, and service professions. Hosting the event over Zoom had the added advantage of eliminating geographic barriers, allowing LPP to invite professionals from across the country including Iowa, North Carolina, Michigan, and Florida. It also allowed the participants to have a preview of the different work environments various professionals work in. The invited guests talked about their day-to-day responsibilities, typical work hours, and gave advice to the students on how they can prepare for their career field, including different ways they can get involved right away through volunteering and networking.

MCC’s Liberty Partnerships Program is funded by a grant through the New York State Department of Education.


Frizzell, Elizabeth
Liberty Partnerships