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Student Tribune

The Long Table Is Coming to MCC! Please Attend On Tuesday, October 6, 2020 At Noon.

Rachel DeGuzman of 21st Century Arts will be presenting her 45th Long Table for the MCC community. This is event is virtual and will be limited to 50 participants. Details are included below. Please read and watch the provocations below to be a part of this conversation. Email if you have any questions.

ZOOM Room will be listed in the Trib next week.


"What to the Refugee is the 4th of July: A Virtual Long Table" Tuesday, Oct. 6 from 12 - 2 pm

This 2-hour virtual event is an interactive interrogation of the state of the U.S. Immigration system and policies as well as the plight of the immigrant. Especially immigrants who because of their race, class, religion or country of origin are considered undesirables or "others." Using historical and contemporary provocations, some attendees will participate in a dinner-like conversation about the state of immigration today and others will nonverbally, observe as witnesses.

Long Tables are performative devices that facilitate authentic conversations about difficult issues or topics. When the Long Table event begins - the virtual table will be composed of 4 - 6 people, with all other attendees considered nonverbal audience. The audience members will have opportunities to "sit" at the table and contribute to the conversation - switching places with those who are "seated."

Recommended resources to watch in preparation for the Long Table:

• "Our immigration conversation is broken - here's how to have a better one," by Paul Kramer - from TED Salon: Border Stories, November 2019. (16:31 minutes) lk

• "3 questions to ask yourself about U.S. citizenship," by Jose Antonio Vargas, TED2020 (8:48 minutes) seAntonioVargasTED3Questions


Long Table conversation provocations (recited/played at virtual event):

• "What to the Slave is the 4th of July," a speech by Frederick Douglass (text)

• "Home," a written and recited by Somali-British poet Warsan Shire (text) (video)

All Long Table attendees will be invited to doodle on paper during the event. (with sharpies or other markers) These doodles will be sent to Rachel DeGuzman (texted from their smart phones) and DeGuzman will create a collage of the doodles. This will be an artifact of the Long Table.

Lee, Christina
Global Education & International Services