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Student Tribune

League For Innovation Art Competition Selections

Please help the Mercer Gallery, Creative Arts, and the Visual and Performing Arts Department congratulate the following five students on being selected to represent Monroe Community College in the 35th Annual League For Innovation Art Competition.

Megan Fallis for her illustration Monachopsis

Renee Guerin for her digital art Resilient

Matthew Oo for his painting Self Portrait

Melissa Tylock for her photograph Life During Covid

Zazie Weldgen for her illustration Thalasophobia

These five pieces will move on to the national competition that is being sponsored by Kirkwood Community College. Student images are attached.

Attached Files:
Matthew Oo.jpg
Megan Fallis- Monachopsis.jpg
Tylock_ Melissa_LifeDuringCovid.jpg
Zazie Weldgen-Thalasophobia.jpg

Flack, Jason
Visual and Performing Arts