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Student Tribune

Save the Date: Monday, June 13th for Meditation with Donna Burke

Please join Donna Burke, MCC’s highly respected meditation advocate, and your MCC colleagues for one or more meditation sessions on Monday, June 13th. 

When:  Monday, June 13th starting at 12:00 noon, 12:30, 1:00, and 1:30.  Come to as many or as few of the 4 different 20-minute sessions as your schedule allows. 

Where:  Come in, join us, and get your Wellness Card punched in the Meditation / Stress Management Studio in 9-152. Or join us on Zoom although you won’t get your Wellness Card punched or be in the same room with your fabulous colleagues:  Meeting ID: 862 3178 5823 Passcode: calm

Who:  All are welcome!  Open to all faculty, staff, students, and administrators, including experienced meditators, curious first-timers, and those with any level of practice in between.   

Why:  In addition to gathering with your MCC colleagues, there are over 100 benefits of meditation, including lowering cortisol, inflammation, and blood pressure levels, decreasing stress and anxiety, and improving sleep, digestion, balance, and productivity.

The MCC Wellness Council hopes to see you there! 

Shamblin, Terry