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Student Tribune

Green Tip: Reduce Paper Waste - Think Before You Print

System-wide, SUNY prints around 3.5 million sheets of paper per business day. That is a lot of paper and a lot of ink/toner! As a comparison, if gas cost $3/gallon; color ink would be $4700/gallon, while black ink would cost $1700/gallon and Laser toner $900/gallon. Aside from saving money that could be used elsewhere, reducing printing also creates a more sustainable SUNY by saving paper, water, and energy.

Simple ways to reduce paper use while printing:

  • Think “do I need it printed” before hitting that print button. Save the document so you can refer to it online, or go back if you need to and print specific pages.
  • Set defaults to print duplex (double-sided), saving paper. You can always select single sided prints if needed on a case by case basis.
  • Reduce font size to 10 point. This will reduce the amount of paper needed. You may also want to consider using a serif font as they tend to use less ink. Century Gothic size 10, uses 30% less ink than Arial.
  • Print only the pages needed using the Print Selection option rather than “all pages.”

More ways to reduce paper use and printing:

  • Don’t take paper receipts. They aren’t recyclable due to the ink/paper used and are often just tossed away.
  • Go paperless for billing-check statements online.
  • Get off catalog lists and view the catalog offerings online. Use Catalog Choice to stop unwanted catalogs.
  • Ask for slower delivery in fewer boxes when ordering online.
  • Put grocery lists on a whiteboard and take a photo with your phone to share or take with you while shopping.
  • Don’t take library receipts-check online for your due dates (and renewal options).
  • Carry reusable bags instead of buying paper bags at the store.

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee