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Student Tribune

Wellness Wednesday week 1: Getting started with a Couch to 5K program

Welcome to week 1 of MCC’s Couch to 5K Wellness Program! Even if you haven’t yet chosen to officially sign up and join us, we’d still love to share the program information with you in case you’d like to follow along on your own.

This program is set up with the goal to prepare you to complete the MCC 5k on October 2nd, 2021. You can adjust the suggested attached workouts that we’ve created based on your own experience, schedule, and desire to train.

As a general rule, you should plan to ease into a 5K training plan gradually. Everybody starts somewhere, and we know you can get there if you put your mind to it! It is easy to get impatient, and you may feel tempted to skip ahead in the program, but hold yourself back.  Don’t try to do more even if you feel you can.  If on the other hand you find the program too strenuous, just stretch it out and make adaptations.  Don’t feel pressured to continue faster than you’re able to.  Repeat weeks if needed and move ahead only when you feel you’re ready. 

The training plans are designed to get you moving about 5 days each week. Workouts should take between 30 and 60 minutes, on average, throughout the length of the 9-week program.  30 minutes happens to be the same amount of moderate exercise recommended by numerous studies for optimum fitness.  Our hope is that this program will get you fit, but more importantly feeling good!   

Be sure to honor how the workouts are spaced out throughout the week in order to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts, and don’t worry about how fast you’re going.  Moving faster can wait until your bones are stronger and your body is more accustomed to this type of exercise.  For now, focus on gradually increasing the time or distance you’re able to cover each week. 

If you decide to join us, additional Couch to 5K Wellness Program benefits provided include:

  • Involvement in a supportive group with a focus on wellness 
    • Our hope is that you will make meaningful connections with others through the shared experience of weekly exercise, and that this will help you all hold each other accountable to your goals.
  • Weekly Wednesday in-person training sessions and a Rochester Running Company store coupon
  • Wellness tips and educational information 
    • Please look out for weekly Wellness Wednesday Tribune articles. We look forward to highlighting various topics such as building motivation, healthy eating, body positivity, creating positive affirmations for personal growth, self-care, and promoting positive mental health and wellness through exercise.
  • Access to healthy eating information and demonstrations 
    • Stay tuned for more information on this!
  • Select prizes for participants with support from the MCC Wellness Council including a Fitbit for one lucky participant 
  • Exclusive 5K Walk/Run for Scholarships team to join for the October event, should you choose to sign up (and we hope that you will!)

Remember that this program is free and available to all faculty, staff, and students. Please email Kathy Gilman at if you are interested in joining the program. We look forward to connecting with you more soon!

Virtual Couch to 5K Wellness Program Kickoff Session:

Drop in to meet your fellow teammates and get pumped up for next week’s first in-person training session!

When: TONIGHT, Wednesday, August 4th, from 6-6:30pm

Zoom Information: K3hnTEZXdz09

Meeting ID: 854 7685 8932
Passcode: 190680
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 854 7685 8932
Find your local number: https://monroecommunity.zoom. us/u/kONcsM4v8

Yours in community and health,

The Couch to 5K Wellness Program Planning Team

Attached Files:
MCC Couch to 5K Jog_Run Training Plan.pdf
MCC Couch to 5K Walk Training Plan.pdf
Wellness Wednesday Week 1 Getting Started with your walkingrunning program. .pdf

Kennell, Morgan
Counseling Center & Disability Services