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Student Tribune

Mother Language Day: A Great Success

On Monday, March 5th, the Global Education & International Services office hosted a Mother Language Day Celebration in partnership with the PRISM Multicultural Center. More than 100 students, faculty, and staff members attended the event to hear their peers and colleagues share poetry, song, dance, and reflections related to their diverse languages and cultures. Among the languages present were Turkish, Tigrinya, Amharic, Italian, Ukrainian, Urdu, Arabic, Taino, American Sign Language, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Baarwa, 'Twam Pa, Somali, and the Mohawk language.

Mother Language Day is a UNESCO international observance that promotes linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. This event was organized and hosted by Christine Dima, Technical Assistant in the GEIS Office.

Thanks to all who participated in the celebration!

Jacobs, Michael
Humanities & Social Sciences