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Student Tribune

Brighton Earth Day - "Is This Recyclable"

Contestants from all areas of the Brighton campus converged on the Atrium to participate in "Is This Recyclable?" This Earth Day celebration game show, sponsored by the MCC Recycling and Sustainability committees and the Student Sustainability Club, invited students and staff members to identify whether common campus use items, such as pizza boxes, water bottles, plastic utensils, etc. should be placed in the blue recycling bins or the brown landfill bins. Winning contestants (all contestants won) then spun a prize wheel and were awarded reusable grocery bags made from recycled plastic bottles, Grow Monroe bag clips, or gift cards and items from Java's, Sodexo, Food for Thought and the Bookstore. Information about Grow Monroe and Monroe County Eco-Park was available to all who came through the Atrium. Everyone who participated learned a little more about recycling at MCC. Many thanks to all who helped out with this event and all sponsors! Finally, please read the signs on the bins before you make your recycling choice and "When In Doubt, Throw It Out."

Attached Files:
Game Show pic for Trib.jpg

Curry, John
Recycling Committee