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Student Tribune

Mental Health Monday Tabling Event Today

In our continuing efforts to highlight September as Suicide Prevention and Awareness month, the Counseling Center, Disability Services and Health Services Department is hosting a Mental Health Monday tabling event today. One important way to support suicide prevention is by supporting our mental health in positive ways. It is well known that college and life can be really hard at times, but knowing where and how to find support can help you get through those tough times. We encourage all student to stop by our table today to learn about the mental health resources available to you on and off campus, get tips on how to positively support your mental, and enjoy a serotonin boost by interacting with our fury friends from Guiding Eyes Dogs for those who like dogs!

Location: Brighton Campus Terrace

Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm

Davis, Anita
Counseling Center, Disability Services & Health Services