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Student Tribune

Career Exploration Workshop

On Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 from 12:00 to 12:50 p.m. on the Brighton Campus in Bldg. 09, Room 239, we are hosting a Career Exploration workshop.

Career Exploration is learning about various occupations and their "fit" with your unique and individual preferences. What are you curious about? What are the skills, interests, and values you want satisfied by your career? How can you get involved at MCC? We will discuss Holland Codes and explore some of the free, web-based career exploration tools MCC has available for you. Also, we will share ways for you to get connected with the MCC community. Refreshments will be served.

This presentation is offered in collaboration with Workforce Development, Career Services and ESOL/TRaditional Studies.

Attached Files:

Martinez, Meka
Workforce Development