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Student Tribune

Seneca Falls Dialogues: Call for Proposals

The Seneca Falls Dialogues is a biannual conference co-supported by the Women's Institute of Leadership and Learning, the AAUW, and several colleges and universities in our region, including MCC. The upcoming conference, "Questioning the Past, Disrupting the Present, Building the Future," will be held October 23-25, 2020, in Seneca Falls. Unlike most academic conferences, the SFD is structured around a series of dialogues focusing on specific questions/problems with the goal of cultivating conversation, collaboration, and ultimately action. Students, faculty, staff, artists, activists, high-school professionals, community members, everyone interested in questions surrounding gender, intersectionality, and justice is invited to participate, and scholarship funding is available. The Call for Dialogues is attached. Note that the deadline for proposals is April 20. See https://senecaf and/or contact Maria Brandt at for more information.


Attached Files:
SFdialogues call 2020.pdf

Brandt, Maria