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Student Tribune

Congratulations to the 2021-2022 MCC Recipient of the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

The Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence are System-level honors conferred to acknowledge and provide system-wide recognition for superior professional achievement and to encourage the ongoing pursuit of continuous academic excellence. These programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction, and serving the public good.  

The MCC community proudly congratulates the 2021-2022 recipient of the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service:

  • DR. NAYDA PARES-KANE, Anthropology/History/Political Science/Sociology

Nominees for the Chancellor's Award for Excellence In Faculty Service must demonstrate, among other things:

  • Consistently superior service in a variety of areas including service to the campus, the State University, the local community, or contributions at the regional, state-wide, national or international levels.
  • A combination of service contributions to discipline or disciplinary and professional organizations and societies, and to leadership in local or system-wide faculty governance.
  • Positive evidence of outstanding achievement and skill in providing leadership, outreach, or other University and/or community service or extraordinary service and leadership in the nominee’s professional organizations.
  • Scope of the service must extend over multiple years, must be geared toward effecting positive change and must involve the generous giving of personal time in service to areas previously described.

Please join the MCC community in congratulating Dr. Pares-Kane for this outstanding achievement!  


Would you like to learn more about the Chancellor's Awards for Excellence or nominate a colleague in 2022-2023?

Lowe, Kristin
Human Resources