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Student Tribune

Build Sustainability into Your Life - Unplug Unused Devices

Vampire power (also called phantom power or standby mode) refers to appliances that are “power suckers.” These appliances leech energy even when they are shut off waste energy and increase electricity bills. A whole house of these modern electricity vampires can add up to 20% of your monthly bill. The National Resource Defense Council estimates American spend $19 billion/year on vampire energy costs or around 23% of American power consumption.

  • Unplug unused devices: inkjet printers, window air conditioning unit, coffeemaker, electric toothbrushes.
  • Unplug when charged: smartphones, laptops, tablets.
  • Use an advanced power strip that uses a control and switched outlets to easily turn off and on speakers, stereos, TVs, and gaming systems without hard disk drives. For example, a PC/laptop would be the control outlet and printer, monitor, and speakers in switched outlets while the modem and router would be in always on outlets in a 7-outlet advanced power strip.
  • Use timers for items like coffee makers used only at specific times.
  • Use power-saving settings on TVs, computers, and game consoles.
  • Purchase Energy Start Certified appliances that are more energy efficient

Penwarden, Ann
Sustainability Steering Committee