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Student Tribune

Day 3 of Take a Brain Break Week

You've made it to "Unwind Wednesday" and the LVG (Brighton) Library is providing the space to ease some of your anxiety by coloring.  We'll provide mandalas and colored pencils; you provide the creativity! Post your masterpiece on our display board and receive a stress ball. 

From “The Benefits of Coloring for Stress Relief” on “Mandalas are circular designs with concentric shapes that have universal spiritual significance.They originated in India and mean “sacred circles” in Sanskrit. Buddhist temples, Muslim mosques, and Christian cathedrals all incorporate mandalas into their architecture. Renowned psychologist Carl Jung had his patients color mandalas 100 years ago as a tool for relaxation and self-discovery. Research conducted on college students found that coloring pre-drawn patterns significantly reduced signs of stress and depression.”

Our friends from Counseling and Disability Services will be joining us from 12:00-1:00pm with seeds for you to plant and watch grow. 

Who doesn't need a little relaxation?!? We hope you’ll find time to join us!


Beechey, Michelle