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Student Tribune

Math Appreciation Month - Week 1: Meet a Mathematician

Let’s play a little game – no, this is an easy game, no super skills required!  It’s a word to image association game.  I will write a word and you conjure up an image to match that word.  For example, if you see the word “dog”, does an image jump into your mind?  How about “dinosaur”, “nurse”, “caterpillar”, or “mathematician”?

Think on that last word – mathematician - a moment.  What image jumps into your mind?  Well, follow the link below to meet a few mathematicians, hear their stories, and perhaps add a new image to associate with “mathematician” …


Math Appreciation Month Committee (E. Basnayake, A. Calhoun, B. Clickner, B. Martineau, R, Santiago, K. Wells)

Martineau, Brigitte