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Department: ESOL/TRS

School: Arts & Humanities; Business & Entrepreneurial Studies; Community Engagement & Development; Health Sciences & Physical Wellness; Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM); Social Sciences & Global Studies


Apply to this Major.

New, Transfer, or Re-admit students should contact Admissions at (585) 292-2200 or

Request a Change of Major.

The Transitional Studies Department helps students prepare for Monroe Community College Career or Transfer Programs. Students admitted to the College through Transitional Studies (TS01) will register for a combination of courses on the basis of a registration/advisement session with a member of the Transitional Studies faculty. An evaluation of courses and/or credits will be made near the end of each semester and a change to another College program may be made as a result of that evaluation.

The Transitional Studies Department serves both students enrolled in the Transitional Studies Program and students in degree or certificate programs. Students receive advisement, orientation, instruction, and support geared for their success in college. Through this assistance, underprepared students build skills in reading, writing, math, study skills, and college orientation. They also build their confidence in their academic success. Student Support Services staff work with the faculty of the Transitional Studies Department to ensure that students obtain timely assistance and appropriate feedback as they progress in their coursework.
(Housed in the ESOL/Transitional Studies Department)

Employment Potential
For related jobs: Career Coach
Occupational Resource:

Requirements for Program Entrance
Please contact the Admissions Office.

CoursesFee Hours*
REA 100 Reading and Thinking in the Disciplines3**
REA 101 Critical Reading3**
TRS 092 Basic Mathematics (5)*
TRS 094 Pre-Algebra(5)*
TRS 100 Integrated Reading and Writing I (5)*
TRS 105 Academic Writing(3)*
TRS 200 Integrated Reading and Writing II(5)*

** Credit hours course.

* Fee hours for financial aid purposes.