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Student Tribune

Fall 2019 Legislative Breakfast, Inviting Elected Officials to Campus

At yesterday's MCC's Fall 2019 Legislative Breakfast, students and college presidents from Monroe, Finger Lakes and Genesee community colleges shared personal stories and the latest facts regarding the changing needs of college students. Six New York state senators and assemblypersons attended the event; a total of 11 legislators were represented. The event was designed to provide legislators with data and insight to inform their decision-making in Albany.

MCC student Nazier Travis spoke about his MCC experience and how the Educational Opportunity Program helped him successfully transition to college life and opened doors to new learning experiences and supporting the success of other students. FLCC and GCC students stressed the importance of college affordability and accessible mental health counseling services.

If you are interested in inviting a legislator or elected official to speak at MCC, especially during election season, please first contact the Government and Community Relations Office. In that way, we can ensure the college community is properly informed and MCC maximizes every opportunity to secure support for our students and programs.

Jones, Clayton
Government and Community Relations