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Student Tribune

SUNY Trustees to Appoint MCC Interim President Tomorrow Evening, January 28

Dear MCC Students,

Thank you for choosing MCC. We hope you are experiencing a successful start to the Spring 2020 Semester. As you may know, MCC is awaiting the appointment of its Interim President who will lead the College during the upcoming year.

In mid-December, following the Interim President candidates' visit and informed by survey responses received from the College community, the MCC Board of Trustees sent the College's recommendation for Interim President to SUNY Chancellor Kristina Johnson and the SUNY Board of Trustees for consideration. The name of the recommended candidate remains confidential.

Tomorrow evening, January 28, the SUNY Board of Trustees plans to appoint the MCC Interim President. The meeting will be live streamed. You are invited to view the meeting on your own or join MCC Trustees, College leaders and others in the Board Room (Brighton Campus, 1-325) at 5 p.m. to share this exciting moment. Immediately following SUNY's official appointment, the College community will be notified via email. An article regarding the appointment will also appear in the Student Tribune the following day.

Thank you for your support of and respect for this confidential selection process. Our search for MCC's Permanent President begins now. Stay informed through updates shared via the Student Tribune and the Presidential Search web pages. If you have questions, please contact Kristin Lowe (Human Resources) or Clayton Jones (Government and Community Relations).

We hope you will share in this exciting moment and join us in looking forward to a successful year at MCC.

Barbara P. Lovenheim, Ph.D.
Chair, MCC Board of Trustees

Allen K. Williams
Trustee, MCC Board of Trustees

Hall, Linda
MCC Board of Trustees