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Student Tribune

Dear Students...Apply for this exciting research opportunity to work with students in Cartagena, Colombia!

Professors Jonathon Little and Jorge Alas are currently accepting applications from registered MCC students to participate in an exciting grant-funded initiative titled, "Monitoring Coastline Water Quality in Cartagena, Colombia: A Hybrid Study Abroad program between MCC and Fundacion Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco." Selected students will create a mapping app for field data collection with students from Cartegena, Colombia, South America. Students will work for several weeks with Colombian students virtually and then will travel to Colombia in spring 2019 for 4 to 5 days to present their work and lead a map-a-thon in Spanish. If you have additional questions, please contact Jorge Alas and Jonathon Little.

Application is available at: /geography/
Please submit your application to Jorge Alas and Jonathon Little by Fri, October 26
th. Their emails are: and

Lee, Christina
Global Education & International Services