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Student Tribune

Marketplace to Close for Remainder of Semester

Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to ensure the health and safety of the MCC community. As we safely approach the final weeks of the fall semester, we must stay vigilant to keep our students and each other safe. Thanks to ongoing teamwork from everyone at MCC, our efforts are paying off. The safety precautions that have been put in place, including mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing, are working to keep our campus safe. To date, we have conducted 4,900 pooled tests with only 15 confirmed positive--a positivity rate of only .003 percent. We appreciate this college-wide effort as we all continue to do our best to keep everyone safe.

As a result of pooled testing conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday (Dec. 1-2), MCC was notified of six positive testing pools. Those individuals are isolating off campus and MCC Health Services, in partnership with Monroe County representatives, are completing contact tracing and notifying persons who may have been exposed. (If you did not receive a call, you were not exposed to the individuals who tested positive.) MCC is unable to legally disclose any further details or personal identifiable information about these students and employees per federal privacy laws.

As part of the college's commitment to your safety during the pandemic, and out of an abundance of caution, Sodexo will be closing the Marketplace serving area for the rest of the fall semester. Sodexo is still able to safely service the College's catering and residence hall needs. If the Monroe County Department of Public Health indicates that additional steps need to be taken, we will update you immediately.

Maintaining a healthy and safe learning environment is the College's highest priority. MCC continues to monitor developments and inform the campus community about the novel coronavirus and ways to prevent its spread. Our operations are guided by three principles, of which the health, safety and well-being of students and employees is foremost. In accordance with New York state and Monroe County guidelines to minimize the virus spread, MCC maintains infectious disease protocols and encourages everyone to continue taking precautions.

As a reminder, all faculty and staff who are assigned to work on campus must participate in pooled testing sessions. The next session dates are from 9:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 8; Monday, Dec. 14; and Tuesday, Dec. 15 in the Warshof Conference Center, Flynn Campus Center (Monroe A/B) on the Brighton Campus. (No appointment necessary; instructions). Students also have the option of being tested at another provider (e.g., NYS drive-through testing site) and submitting test results to If you do not receive a call within 36 hours of being tested, your results are negative; only those who test positive are called.

Information on end-of-the-semester testing requirements will be shared as soon as confirmed. Updates will be posted on MCC's Return to Campus web pages. Send your questions to

When you take precautions to keep yourself healthy, you are helping stop the spread of COVID-19 and keeping our campuses and community open and safe. Thank you for doing your part.

Douglas, Katherine
Office of the President