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Course Descriptions

HUM 111 - Field Work in Human Services I

2 Credits

On the basis of his or her particular interests, each student chooses the kind of community agency in which he/she would like to train. Under the guidance of experienced agency supervisors, the student begins the reality testing process in the paraprofessional role. Carefully graded opportunities to take responsibility for agency clients. In conjunction with this course, the student must take and pass HUM 101 Introduction to Human Services. Open only to students in HUM 101.

MCC General Education: MCC-BCO - Speaking (MBCO), MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize the realities of working in a Human Service setting.
2. Demonstrate the ability to function as a member of a human services team.
3. Evaluate working and learning under supervision.
4. Discuss and critique his or her fieldwork experience with classmates in the seminar.
5. Discuss and critique the helping skills used in the fieldwork setting.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2024
Summer Session 2024