Curriculum Committee
Maintaining a quality curriculum is vital to the success of the college. The Curriculum Committee coordinates faculty involvement in the continual process of reviewing and updating the college's curriculum, mainly by reviewing proposals for course and program changes. If you have any questions about the curriculum proposal process, please feel free to contact us.
Membership of this Committee shall be four to seven Senators, one Student representative, and the Provost/Vice President Academic & Student Affairs or their designee with non-voting status. A non-voting Student Representative shall also serve with full responsibility.
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee 2024-2025
- Karleen Hollander, Chair, Nursing
- Michelle Beechey, Library
- Jacob Bodway, English/Philosophy
- Jason Flack, Visual and Performing Arts
- Andrew Knapp, Psychology
- Ann Kuhn, Economic and Workforce Development
- Binh-Yen Nguyen, Information and Computer Technologies
- Susan Noonan, Optical Systems Technology
- Dale Pearce, Athletics
Non-Voting Members
- Andrew Freeman, Director, Academic Services, Curriculum and Program Development
- Susan Hall, Associate Director Curriculum and Assessment
- Jennifer Kinslow, Coordinator, Academic Advisement Systems
- Margarita Medina-Perez, Secretary, Curriculum and Program Development