REA 100--Reading and Thinking in the Disciplines
3 Credits This course is designed specifically to meet the reading and thinking needs in a particular discipline. Learning strategies will focus on skills necessary for success in the content course, such as note-taking, graphic or visual materials, and/or laboratory preparation and application. Likewise, critical and active reading performance will focus on the needs of the discipline: understanding and evaluating scholarly research, discipline-based vocabulary, textbook management, reading flexibility, and other higher-level thinking appropriate to the discipline. ACCUPLACER READING SCORE BETWEEN 71-80.9 Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
REA 101--Critical Reading
3 Credits This course will help students strengthen their critical reading and thinking skills, improve their academic literacy, and expand their general knowledge across the disciplines, especially the Humanities. Students will read a variety of written, oral, visual, and cultural texts in order to improve their analytical, interpretive, and evaluative skills. Students will synthesize text in all its forms through a variety of thematic approaches (music, drugs, diversity, etc.) in order to develop new ideas and conclusions. They will apply these critical and evaluative skills through research, presentations, discourse, and written assignments. This course is recommended for all students. REA 100 grade of C or better, TRS 200 with a grade of C or better, Accuplacer reading comprehension score of 81 or higher. Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
TRS 050--Support Lab for Survey of Mathematics
No Credit A lab intended to reinforce numeracy and basic algebra skills aligned with MTH 150 course objectives. It is intended for students who need MTH 150 as the terminal mathematics course in their programs. This lab must be taken concurrently with MTH 150. Topics include, but are not limited to, a review of foundational arithmetic and algebra topics as well as critical thinking skills, and learning strategies. Students will demonstrate persistence and a positive attitude towards learning. Prerequisites: MCC Level 2 Mathematics Placement or TRS 092 with a grade of C or higher; college English placement or college English completed Corequisite: MTH 150 - WR Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
TRS 090--Academic English Essentials
4 Credits This course helps students progress in their academic reading, writing, thinking, and learning skills. Students cultivate confidence and self-assurance by developing and strengthening reading strategies; improving academic literacy; expanding vocabulary techniques; engaging in the writing process; and improving grammar and mechanics to produce unified, coherent text. Immersion in contextualized, culturally responsive, multi-modal materials helps learners become better writers through reading and better readers through writing. Skills developed in this course are immediately applicable to students’ other college coursework and experiences. Co-requisite(s): TRS 091 concurrently and COS 101 or COS 133. Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
TRS 091--Academic English Essentials Lab
1 Credit This course will provide students with the opportunity to apply the foundational concepts and skills covered in TRS 090, Academic English Essentials. Students will engage with faculty, professional learning assistants, and course peers to collaboratively make strides in their reading and writing development as they construct meaning as writers and readers. Co-requisite(s): Concurrently enrolled in TRS 090 Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
TRS 094--Pre Algebra
No Credit This course, for students who have mastered basic computations, offers preparation for further coursework in mathematics. Students will use fundamentals of mathematics to develop entry level competencies in business math, geometry, rational numbers, and algebra. They will use appropriate technology to reinforce their skills and gain confidence in using math in everyday life.
Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
TRS 099--College Composition Support
No Credit The purpose of this course is to support student success in ENG 101 (College Composition) through collaborative, integrated reading and writing experiences. This co-requisite course will address the development, drafting, and revision of academic essays, as well as the language, mechanics, grammar, and usage skills necessary for effective written communication. TRS 099 provides opportunities for reflective practice and emphasizes the application of academic reading/writing skills necessary to develop and revise ENG 101 assignments. Prerequisite(s): High school GPA of 71-79.9, or completion of TRS 090 with a C or higher, or TRS 100 with a B or higher, or Self-Directed Placement. Corequisite: ENG-101 Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
College Success
COS 101--College Orientation
1 Credit COS 101 provides essential information about the College in a concise one-credit course. Topics include campus resources and activities, MCC technology, goal setting, time management, and college policies. Students will leave this course with an academic, career, and financial plan.
Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
COS 133--College Orientation and Success Strategies
3 Credits COS 133 is designed to help students transition successfully into college. Topics include campus resources and activities, MCC technology, goal setting, time management, and college policies. Through reflection, students will examine healthy choices, explore diversity and inclusion, expand critical thinking, and develop study skills. Students will leave this course with an academic, career, and financial plan. A student who has earned a passing grade for COS 133 cannot later earn credit for COS 101.
Course Learning Outcomes Fall Semester 2024 |
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 11, Room 247
(585) 292-2062
Fax: (585) 292-3876