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Course Descriptions

ACD 140 - Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the Human Service Worker

3 Credits

Designed to heighten students' awareness of substance abuse problems. Students will develop a base knowledge concerning the pharmacology of drugs, including the different types of drugs and their physiological and psychological effects. An exploration of the social response to their use will be included. Areas of social service practice to be covered include theories and models of the etiology of chemical dependency as well as tactics of prevention and treatment designed to meet client needs.

Carries MCC college credit and 45 hours N.Y.S. OASAS-approved credit.

Prerequisite: Placement at ENG 101 level.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Discuss the addiction process and the impact of substance abuse on society.
2. Describe the Twelve (12)step and Mutual Aid Groups.
3. Explain the linkage between tobacco use, nicotine use and substance dependency.
4. Discuss tobacco use and nicotine treatment, which could include nicotine replacement therapy.
5. Describe the impact of various effects of mood altering drugs which could include the pharmacology, physiological, and the psychological.
6. Explain the difference between use, abuse, and dependency.
7. Explain some of the factors that contribute to drug use, abuse and dependency.
8. Identify various theories and models of addiction.
9. Explain the importance of prevention and intervention strategies related to substance abuse.
10. Explain the Canon of Ethical Principles related to the practice of substance abuse.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2024
Summer Session 2024