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New and Updated Course Descriptions

SPA 202 - Latinoamerica de ayer y de hoy

This course has been deactivated and no longer offered at MCC

3 Credits

Through interactive lectures, video and use of the Internet, students will gain an overview of contemporary Latin America, the countries and peoples viewed from historical and cultural perspectives. Use of the video series El espejo enterrado (The Buried Mirror) provides the student with the opportunity to develop aural skills to an advanced level. The Internet will be used to access on-line newspapers, magazines, and a vast array of primary source materials to help develop reading skills and knowledge of specialized vocabulary, while engaging the student in a study of current events. This combination will guide the student to a working knowledge of Latin America and to improved language comprehension and fluency.

Prerequisite: SPA 104, or a grade of B or better in high school Spanish 5, or permission of the instructor.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Name, distinguish and explain the main features of the different periods in Latin America’s history.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the political and economic systems today in Latin America, and compare them to the colonial system under the Spanish Crown.
3. Identify the cultural features and traditions of pre-Columbian civilizations.
4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate in correct Spanish at the advanced level by successfully talking about the historical evolution of Latin America.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the background and the cultural differences among Latin American countries.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

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Fall Semester 2024