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New and Updated Course Descriptions

SPA 207 - Cinema for Spanish Conversation

This course has been deactivated and no longer offered at MCC

3 Credits

In this course, students will improve their Spanish conversational skills through the discussion of films in Spanish. Student presentations will help the student improve their public speaking skills. In addition, the students will improve their listening comprehension through exposure to native speech. The films will introduce students to culture, some history, vernacular speech and regional accents. This course offers a new and different vision of language learning and use. The films serve as a catalyst for thought provoking cultural and linguistic examination. This offers the students the ability to express themselves and to expose themselves to the diversity of cultures in the many Spanish speaking countries. The students will broaden their knowledge and analyze, compare and enrich their vocabulary and hone their analytic and critical thinking skills through their enhancement, solidification of the knowledge of the language, and its variety of uses.

Prerequisite: SPA 104, or excellence in High School Spanish 5, the equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the spoken language at the intermediate level by recognizing and comprehending films that use colloquial expressions and a wide variety of language.
2. Expand conversation skills through mastery of new vocabulary.
3. Contrast cultural values that are portrayed in American films with cultural values that are portrayed in Spanish-language films.
4. Demonstrate an ability to express opinions and justify opinions based on points of view or facts from a film.
5. Name the main events of a film's plot using the past and perfect tenses in Spanish.
6. Describe the main and supporting characters portrayed in the films presented.
7. Describe the director's background, viewpoints, previous films and recurring themes of the films presented through documented research.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2024
Spring Semester 2024
Summer Session 2024