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New and Updated Course Descriptions

IDE 121 - Interior Design Communication I

This course has been deactivated and no longer offered at MCC

3 Credits

Course introduces the student to methods of design communication including model building and mechanical drawing. Emphasis is placed on the study of the relationships of space and form and how these are communicated in both two and three dimensional media.

Prerequisite: Math placement Level 3 or higher, or TRS 094 or higher

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Produce quality graphics to communicate design concepts.
2. Develop orthographic drawings to communicate three-dimensional objects.
3. Develop a series of interrelated architectural drawings including plans, elevations, sections, ceiling plans and lighting plans.
4. Construct a three-dimensional model of a building from a set of plans.

Course Offered Fall

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2024