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Course Descriptions

PLS 273 - Computer Support Systems

This course has been deactivated and no longer offered at MCC

1 Credit

Provides students with the tools to manage litigation. Students learn to determine the criteria for selecting litigation management systems by comparing software demo disks, critiquing systems used in local litigation practices, and bearing in mind the wisdom gained from guest experts. The systems include filing, indexing, and organizing cases involving large numbers of documents, manual and automated litigation support systems, litigation plan and budget worksheets, and court and responsible attorney schedules. Emphasis is on systems and teamwork with the attorney, the law office administrator, computer specialists, other paralegals, and the legal secretary to assure continuing quality effort to manage litigation cases. THIS COURSE FOR PARALEGAL STUDENTS ONLY.

Prerequisites: PLS 260 or permission of program director.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate litigation management using computer tools.
2. Determine the criteria for selecting litigation management systems used in local litigation practices.
3. File, index, and organize cases involving large numbers of documents, produce litigation plans and budget worksheets, and manage court and attorney schedules.
4. Participate as a member of a team consisting of the attorney, the law office administrator, computer specialists, other paralegals, and the legal secretary to assure continuing quality effort to manage litigation cases.

Course Offered Fall; Spring

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Fall Semester 2024