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Course Descriptions

HVA 202 - Boiler Systems

3 Credits

Covers the principles and theory of hot water and steam boilers. Topics covered are: design, controls, pumps and valves of boilers, New York State boiler codes, and the servicing of hot water and steam boiler systems.

Prerequisites: HVA 103

Course Learning Outcomes
1. The student will be able to describe different types of hot water heating systems including natural convection units and forced convection units. The student will demonstrate understanding of the parts and construction of a hot water boiler.
2. The student will be able to identify and know the common application of one-pipe series loop systems, one-pipe systems with flow tees, tow-pipe direct return systems and two-pipe reverse return systems. The student will be able to identify and explain the operation and application of the components (and accessories) of these piping systems.
3. The student will demonstrate understanding of the principles, operation and application of various centrifugal water pumps.
4. The student will be able to identify various controls and control systems and explain the basic operation and application of the control.
5. The student will demonstrate understanding of the principles involving pressure drop through systems, air expansion, air locks, pressure and proper pressurization.
6. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the theories and applications of terms relevant to steam heating systems including: latent heat, condensation, water hammer, cold start-up, critical water level and Hartford loop. The student will demonstrate understanding of the construction and components of a steam boiler.
7. The student will identify and demonstrate knowledge of the basic operation of the controls, components and accessories found in a steam heating system including mechanical, thermostatic and kinetic traps. The student will demonstrate knowledge of pipe sizing concerns and considerations in steam heating systems.
8. The student will demonstrate knowledge of insurance codes and national codes relevant to hydronic heating systems.
9. Students will identify common hydronic system heating failures and demonstrate knowledge of maintenance and troubleshooting procedures for hydronic heat systems.

Course Offered Fall

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Fall Semester 2024