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Course Descriptions

GEG 238 - Introduction to Geospatial Programming

3 Credits

This course teaches how to customize and automate Geospatial Information Science (GIS) applications using the Python scripting language. Automation can make your work easier, faster, and more accurate, and knowledge of a scripting language is a highly desired skill in GIS analysts. This course dedicates time to theory and implementation of the various scripting languages currently in use. Upon completion, students will be able to solve geospatial problems and streamline GIS workflows through the creation and modification of scripts. Students will be guided through a series of lectures and hands‐on computer‐based lab exercises. Course material used are based upon the United States Department of Labor’s Geospatial Technology Competency Model (GCTM) for entry level geospatial occupations including Geospatial or GIS Technicians or Technologists.

Prerequisite(s): GEG 130, GEG 133, and GEG 230 or GEG 236 all with a grade of C or higher, or instructor permission

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Produce solutions to automate geoprocessing functions using a variety of programming methods, structures, and data sources.
2. Use a scripting language to modify and create geoprocessing scripts.
3. Construct computer code according to best geospatial practices.
4. Solve geospatial problems through the design and development of custom GIS applications.
5. Modify user interfaces to increase productivity.
6. Describe introductory programming concepts, methods, and approaches.
7. Explain advanced programming concepts.

Course Offered Spring

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Spring Semester 2025