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Course Descriptions

SCR 222 - CyberOps Associate

3 Credits

The CyberOps Associate course is designed for Cisco Networking Academy® students who are seeking career-oriented, entry-level security analyst skills. Target students include individuals enrolled in technology degree programs at institutions of higher education and IT professionals who want to pursue a career in the Security Operation Center (SOC). Learners in this course are exposed to all of the foundational knowledge required to detect, analyze, and escalate basic cybersecurity threats using common open-source tools. This course aligns with the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate (CBROPS) certification. Candidates need to pass the 200-201 CBROPS exam to achieve the Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification.

Prerequisite(s): CPT 120

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the role of the Cybersecurity Operations Analyst in the enterprise.
2. Explain the features and characteristics of different operating systems.
3. Explain the operation of the network infrastructure via network protocols.
4. Use network monitoring tools to classify and identify attacks against network protocols and services.
5. Explain how to prevent malicious access to computer networks, hosts, and data.
6. Explain the impacts of cryptography on network security monitoring.
7. Explain how to analyze and investigate network instrusion data to identify compromised hosts and vulnerabilities.
8. Apply incident response models to manage network security incidents.

Course Offered Spring

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Spring Semester 2025