Course Descriptions
COM 244 - Social Media Strategies
3 Credits
This course will introduce students to the forms and applications of social media. Students will become familiar with a range of social media tools; analyze and discuss their uses and implications; and explore the ethics, psychology, and practice of social media. The course will examine each from user and creator standpoints, with a focus on how journalists, public relations professionals, and businesses use social media.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the forms and applications of social media
2. Analyze the role social media play in the users' lives
3. Evaluate the role social media play in journalism, public relations, or business
4. Analyze social media ethics or privacy within the context of the user or creator
5. Analyze the target audiences of a variety of social media
6. Apply a social media plan to meet organizational objectives
7. Produce media messages for target audiences using a variety of social media
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Spring Semester 2025