Course Descriptions
PPE 209 - Theories and Techniques of Coaching
3 Credits
This course is designed to examine theories and techniques in coaching through developing information, organization and management skills. Development of technical information, safety aspects and human relationships will be studied. The practicum experience brings the student to an on-site awareness and participation. This course satisfies the state guidelines for elementary and secondary coaching certification. This course satisfies the requirements of the NYS Education Department Coaching Certification Course: Theory and Technique of Coaching.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Develop an appreciation and understanding of the coaching field through an observation project.
2. Organize a successful booster club that works with, not against, the program.
3. Develop safety procedure plan that will best work for a selected sport.
4. Propose a code of conduct policy that will be effective for the program and school district.
5. Construct a coaching manual that contains step by step procedures on the management of a sports program.
6. Demonstrate an understanding of different coaching styles and know how to adapt them to specific situations.
7. Implement motivational techniques that fit their philosophy and their athletes.
8. Demonstrate communication skills that will help in the interview process and that will help them deal with parents, administrators and the community.
Course Offered Spring
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Spring Semester 2025