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Course Descriptions

ENR 153 - Mechanical Design and Prototyping

4 Credits

An introduction to solid modeling, computer aided manufacturing, the engineering design process, and machine shop operations. Students will use SolidWorks software to design parts and assemblies. CamWorks software will be used to create tool paths for common 2.5 axis milling operations. Prototyping will be done using manual and CNC mills, lathes, and a 3D printer. Parametric modeling techniques that preserve design intent with dimensioning, geometric relations, external references, equations, and design tables will be emphasized. A design-build project will require students to build a working prototype to the instructor's specifications and then implement a redesign of it. Students will document their design process in both written and oral reports.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the design intent concept in Computer Aided Design and understand its relationship to engineering function and manufacturability.
2. Apply facets of the Engineering Design and Development process to a physical situation.
3. Create and implement a solution to an engineering problem based on competencies gained in the lecture and laboratory classes.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of basic machine shop equipment in the development of prototype designs.
5. Acquire the basic skills and competencies that characterize the modern engineer.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

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Fall Semester 2024