Course Descriptions
TAM 151 - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Machinists
3 Credits
Features interpretation of engineering drawings relative to the application of G.D. & T., the effect on manufacturing methods, verification procedures, and a comparison to and conversion to the coordinate system. Topics include G.D. & T. terms and symbols, true positioning concepts and assembly applications, angularity, parallelism, perpendicularity, datum axes, counterplanes, and actual geometric conditions and locations.
Prerequisite: TAM 131.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and memorize geometric symbols and modifiers used on drawings. This will be done to a minimum 70% compliance.
2. Interpret and evaluate geometric symbols and modifiers used on drawings to actual values. This will be done to a minimum 70% compliance.
3. Explain, analyze, and adapt inspection techniques to be used to verify features conformity to blueprint specifications. This will be done to a minimum 70% compliance.
4. Explain, analyze, and interpret position control symbols and tolerances. This will be done to a minimum 70% compliance.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Spring Semester 2025