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Course Descriptions

AAD 256 - Motion Graphics

3 Credits

Introduction to time based graphic design. Students will be exposed to both traditional and experimental methods of producing short motion sequences. Through a series of exercises and assignments, conceptual problem solving and the design of motion graphics will be emphasized. In addition to producing short motion sequences students will also view and discuss various commercial and independent works. Students must be able to practice good organizational and planning skills. Experience in design, photo imaging and vector graphics is a plus, but not necessary.

Prerequisite: AAD 105 Typography or permission of instructor

MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH), MCC-TL - Technological Literacy (MTL)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Produce animated sequences applying kinesthetic awareness.
2. Demonstrate animation principles.
3. Analyze existing motion sequences.
4. Evaluate performance through peer or self critiquing.
5. Build a portfolio/reel representative of designed animation principles.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

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Fall Semester 2024