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Course Descriptions

ECE 250 - Infant and Toddler Development

3 Credits

This course is designed for individuals who are currently working in early care and education programs, students who are interested in a career involving children and families, and students who are or will be parents.

The instructor’s role in this class is to provide a theoretical framework, activities and assignments for students to utilize in developing understanding, knowledge and skills in working with infants and toddlers.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the developmental domains of infants and toddlers.
2. Connect course concepts with early care practices.
3. Explain how to create secure relationships with infants and toddlers as an early childhood educator.
4. Describe attachment and separation behaviors in infants and toddlers.
5. Produce a written observation of a child ages birth-3 years old.
6. Create developmentally appropriate activities for infants and toddlers.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

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Fall Semester 2024