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New and Updated Course Descriptions

TVL 231 - Tourism Specialization

3 Credits

Exciting segments of the travel and tourism market will be explored. Cruising is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry. The class will look at cruise and group tour industries. Students will explore cruise and group tour types, how those industries operate, and compare and contrast itineraries. Course content will also cover the tools and techniques necessary to prepare for an exciting and enriching career as a tour guide, director or planner. Knowledge will be applied through the use of professional and promotional materials, as well as through a computerized hands-on component.

Course Learning Outcomes
1.Explain the history of the cruise industry and how it influences today's travel experience.
2.Explain the history of group tours and how it influences today's travel experience.
3.Identify what is typically included on a cruise or group tour experience.
4.Identify the most common roadblocks to the purchaser of a cruise or group tour.
5.Compare and contrast cruise ships with cruise companies.
6.Match specific travel itineraries with the type of traveler who would favor it.
7.Identify the responsibilities of tour personnel.
8.Create and price a group tour by applying the principles of fixed and variable costs.

Course Offered Spring

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Fall Semester 2024