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New and Updated Course Descriptions

ENG 273 - Creative Writing Capstone: Publishing and the Profession

3 Credits

This course seeks to familiarize students with the processes necessary to furthering their personal and/or professional development as creative writers. To this end, the course will introduce students to the submission process, to transfer opportunities, and to publishing/reading venues both in Rochester and around the country.

Prerequisites: ENG 233 or ENG 243 or ENG 253 or ENG 263 with C or higher or permission of Instructor.

Learning Attributes: WR

New SUNY General Education:
SUNY - Arts

MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH)

Course Learning Outcomes
1.Revise drafts for a public audience.
2.Read for a public audience.
3.Create documents related to submission processes and publishing markets such as a submission log or cover letter.
4.Submit work for publication or production.
5.Prepare a teaching lesson.
6.Execute a teaching lesson.
7.Research transfer and career pathways.
8.Collaborate on the construction of a literary magazine.
9.Create a portfolio to showcase best work.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2024