FACE - Warning Message Solutions

  • Click on the Registration Compliance Results at the bottom of your registration page and read the hyperlinked message under the Fin Aid Eligible and Counts columns to see the reason for the warning or check the comment next to the Ineligible Course(s) listed in your email.
  • Run your Degree Works degree evaluation. Look at where the Ineligible registered course is falling on your worksheet. If it is in the ‘Additional Courses’ block, it means it is not required for your program.
  • If you are full time, are at least 12 of your registered credits required in your program? If so, anything beyond those 12 credits will be eligible for financial aid* (even if they are in the ‘Additional Courses’ block). Do not change your schedule.
  • Are you in the appropriate program? Look at your ‘Program’ in the Student Information block at the top of your worksheet. If it is not the Program you are following, you can initiate a program change through: myMCC/Registration & Records/Request a change of major.
  • Are you are trying to repeat a course for a higher grade? For the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid, it must be one that didn’t meet a grade requirement. Otherwise, a D- is considered a passing grade and the repeated course will not be eligible for financial aid. If a certain grade is required, it will be stated on your worksheet and will be eligible for state aid (TAP/APTS). Federal aid (PELL/loans) will pay for any course to be repeated one time (withdrawing does NOT count as your one time repeat) regardless of the grade requirement, but only if it is required in your program.
  • Are you trying to repeat a course that has been excluded from your GPA because of a Program change or Fresh Start? (You will find excluded courses in the ‘Insufficient’ block on your worksheet). If you have a passing grade (D- or above) and a higher grade is not required in your program, the repeated course will not be eligible for financial aid.
  • Are you trying to register for a course to satisfy a general requirement (e.g. Humanities) but you have an excluded course with a passing grade (D- or above) that could also satisfy the requirement? (You will find excluded courses in the ‘Insufficient’ block on your worksheet.) Financial aid will not pay for a new course when you have already taken one that will satisfy the requirement (even if it has been excluded).
  • Have you been advised to take a course that is not in your program to substitute for a course that is in your program? You will need to follow-up with the Department Chair to process the substitution ASAP.
  • Are you in your last semester at the college? If so, as long as one course is counting in your program, you are eligible for a ‘Last Term Exemption’ for State aid (TAP/APTS) and all other registered courses will be eligible for financial aid*. You must complete an Intent to Graduate application ASAP and check Last Term Exemption on the application.

*All other financial aid criteria will have to be satisfied.