Arabic, one of the world's oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, with speakers found in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt.
Because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well. Arabic speakers worldwide number roughly 246 million.
ARA 101--Elementary Arabic I
3 Credits Designed for students with little or no previous experience in the language. Focuses on communicative skills of listening comprehension and speaking, and in developing mastery of the Arabic writing system for basic reading and writing of simple sentences and short paragraphs. Arabic letters are taught so that students will be able to communicate both orally and in written form in the most essential everyday life situations. Students will also learn customs, traditions, and culture of Arabic speaking countries. Student participation, group discussion and use of digital media are essential elements of the course.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Write understandable Arabic letters using the correct stroke order and letter-linking. 2. Create understandable simple sentences in Arabic. 3. Accurately express simple social greetings and courtesies in Arabic. 4. Answer questions after listening to Arabic-spoken narrative, dialogue, or conversation. 5. Answer questions concerning a specific reading passage. 6. Identify the celebrations that occur in the Arabic/Muslim calendar. 7. Identify basic facts and cultural traditions associated with Arabic-speaking countries.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
ARA 102--Elementary Arabic II
3 Credits Continuation of ARA 101 with emphasis on basic language skills for communication and on cultural aspects to promote understanding and appreciation of the Arabic culture. Student participation, group discussion and the use of digital media are essential elements of the course.
Prerequisite: ARA 101 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Accurately ask (or respond in Arabic to) questions dealing with one or more of the following topics: food preferences and tastes, leisure activities, family relationships, or education. 2. Write grammatically correct sentences in Arabic. 3. Answer questions after listening to Arabic-spoken narrative, dialogue, or conversation. 4. Answer questions concerning a specific reading passage. 5. Identify facts and cultural traditions associated with Arabic-speaking countries. 6. Identify the cultural perspectives associated with the natural environment and resources, Islamic traditions, or present-day life in the Arab countries.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025
ARA 203--Intermediate Arabic I
3 Credits Continued study in Arabic for those with a firm foundation in elementary Arabic communication, written and oral. Grammar and vocabulary are continued at a higher level so that the student develops strong reading and writing skills in order to create complex sentences and short paragraphs. In this class, the student will attain oral and listening skills to successfully function in a variety of daily situations. Cultural topics are included in the study of grammar and structure. Memory and length of time since last studied are factors in successful placement.
Prerequisite(s): ARA 102 OR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF EQUIVALENT, OR PERMISSION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. Course Learning Outcomes 1. Create correct sentences in Arabic using one or more of the following: present and future tenses, possessive pronouns, quantifiers, interrogative words and modal verbs. 2. Present an oral report in Arabic of the information contained in newspapers and other mass-market publications. 3. Communicate in correct Arabic about one or more of the following: educational background, family structure, occupation and profession, food and drink preferences, shelter and lodging, and services. 4. Answer questions concerning a specific reading passage. 5. Identify cultural traditions in Arabic-speaking countries associated with family, education, work and income, housing, restaurants and cafes, and transportation.
Check if course is offered:Fall Semester 2025Spring Semester 2025Summer Session 2025