PSY 101 Course Structure & Organization


Introduction to Psychological Science at MCC (PSY 101) is standardized across sections, so all faculty teaching 101 (except the honors section) are following an identical schedule, textbook, syllabus, set of detailed learning objectives with study guide, and grading system. (Late-start classes follow the late-start schedule.) A class schedule and an abridged syllabus will be handed out during the first week of class. The textbook should be purchased on or before the beginning of the semester; the first test is scheduled for the end of the third week of class. PSY 101 at MCC uses Psychology in Your Life by Sarah Grison and Michael Gazzaniga (4th ed.). The loose-leaf version of the book ("LL" on the bookstore website) is packaged to fit into a 3-ring binder, which is not included at the time of your purchase. It is priced so that the cost of the new book (including online aids) is less than what the final cost of a traditionally-bound book would have been after buying it new and selling it back after the semester. The new book includes an access code to Norton Publishing's InQuizitive and ZAPS, which you will need for outside assignments.

The topics in the textbook have been divided into seven modules, each module made of two chapters, and each module has been divided into 10 learning objectives, described in detail in the study guide, and each module ends with a test.

InQuizitive and ZAPS

InQuizitive and ZAPS, which you can access through the PSY-101 testing section in BrightSpace, serve as homework assignments. InQuizitive contains a graded (open-book) quiz for each module (as practice for the formal tests). It is designed to reward completion rather than a simple percentage of correct answers. The purpose of InQuizitive is to help prepare you, or to check your preparation for the actual module tests. ZAPS is a laboratory research demonstration system. Its purpose is to give you insight into the scientific process of psychology while also providing practice for various concepts covered in class. You will need a valid access code (included in your new textbook purchase) to use InQuizitive and ZAPS. Used book purchases might not include a valid access code for InQuizitive and ZAPS, but one can be purchased online for $25 each.

Your module tests account for 85% of your final course grade, InQuizitive accounts for  10%, and ZAPS is the remaining 5%.

The table below summarizes the unit topics and durations for regular spring and fall semester courses. Fall and spring late start courses, as well as summer and intersession courses are shorter in overall duration, but follow the same order of topics. See your class calendar (distributed in class) for details.

Module Duration* Topics
1 2-3 weeks Introducing Psychology & Research Methods
2 2 weeks Biological Psychology & Consciousness
3 2 weeks Developmental Psychology & Motivation and Emotion
4 2 weeks Perception & Learning
5 2 weeks Cognitive Psychology & Intelligence
6 2 weeks Social Psychology & Personality
7 2 weeks Psychological Disorders & Treatment

* These durations apply only to fall and spring full semester classes.