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Course Descriptions

The following is a complete listing of courses offered at MCC. You can also visit our Programs of Study page for a list of course requirements necessary to complete your degree.

Click on the blue arrow to expand the list of courses for each area.

Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">AAD - Applied Art and Design</span></div>]
AAD - Applied Art and Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ACC - Accounting</span></div>]
ACC - Accounting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency</span></di
ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">AGS - Agricultural Studies</span></div>]
AGS - Agricultural Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ANT - Anthropology</span></div>]
ANT - Anthropology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language</span></div>]
ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ART - Art</span></div>]
ART - Art
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Languag
ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ATP - Automotive Technology</span></div>]
ATP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">BIO - Biology</span></div>]
BIO - Biology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">BUS - Business</span></div>]
BUS - Business
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CDL - Interdisciplinary</span></div>]
CDL - Interdisciplinary
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CE  - Disney College Program Internship</spa
CE - Disney College Program Internship
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CEL - Leadership</span></div>]
CEL - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CHE - Chemistry</span></div>]
CHE - Chemistry
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language</span></div>]
CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CIN - Cinema Studies</span></div>]
CIN - Cinema Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CIT - Civil and Construction Technology</spa
CIT - Civil and Construction Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician</span><
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">COM - Communication</span></div>]
COM - Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">COS - College Success</span></div>]
COS - College Success
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CPT - Computer Technology</span></div>]
CPT - Computer Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CRC - Computer Related Curricula</span></div
CRC - Computer Related Curricula
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CRJ - Criminal Justice</span></div>]
CRJ - Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">CSC - Computer Science</span></div>]
CSC - Computer Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">DAS - Dental Assisting</span></div>]
DAS - Dental Assisting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">DEN - Dental Hygiene</span></div>]
DEN - Dental Hygiene
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">EBL - Experience Based Learning</span></div>
EBL - Experience Based Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ECE - Education and Early Care</span></div>]
ECE - Education and Early Care
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ECO - Economics</span></div>]
ECO - Economics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">EDU - Education</span></div>]
EDU - Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Elec
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">EMS - Emergency Medical Services</span></div
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ENG - English Literature</span></div>]
ENG - English Literature
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ENG - English Writing</span></div>]
ENG - English Writing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ENR - Engineering Science</span></div>]
ENR - Engineering Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Language
ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">FPT - Fire Protection Technology</span></div
FPT - Fire Protection Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">FRE - French/Foreign Language</span></div>]
FRE - French/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">FSA - Food Service Administration</span></di
FSA - Food Service Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">GEG - Geography</span></div>]
GEG - Geography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">GEO - Geology</span></div>]
GEO - Geology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">GER - German/Foreign Language</span></div>]
GER - German/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">GLF - Golf Management</span></div>]
GLF - Golf Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language</span></div>]
HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HED - Health Education</span></div>]
HED - Health Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HEG - Health Education Global</span></div>]
HEG - Health Education Global
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HIM - Health Information Technology</span></
HIM - Health Information Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HIS - History</span></div>]
HIS - History
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HMN - Humanities</span></div>]
HMN - Humanities
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HON - Honors Studies</span></div>]
HON - Honors Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HSM - Homeland Security Administration</span
HSM - Homeland Security Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HSP - Hospitality</span></div>]
HSP - Hospitality
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HUM - Human Services</span></div>]
HUM - Human Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditionin
HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">IDE - Interior Design</span></div>]
IDE - Interior Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">ITA - Italian/Foreign Language</span></div>]
ITA - Italian/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language</span></div>
JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">LAS - Liberal Arts</span></div>]
LAS - Liberal Arts
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">LAW - Law</span></div>]
LAW - Law
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">LDS - Leadership</span></div>]
LDS - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MAR - Marketing</span></div>]
MAR - Marketing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MET - Mechanical Technology</span></div>]
MET - Mechanical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MIS - Management Information Systems</span><
MIS - Management Information Systems
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MMP - Automotive Technology</span></div>]
MMP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MTH - Mathematics</span></div>]
MTH - Mathematics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">MUS - Music</span></div>]
MUS - Music
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">NUR - Nursing</span></div>]
NUR - Nursing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">OFT - Office Technology</span></div>]
OFT - Office Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">OPT - Optical Systems Technology</span></div
OPT - Optical Systems Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PE  - Physical Education--Coed</span></div>]
PE - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PEC - Physical Education--Coed</span></div>]
PEC - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice</s
PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PEM - Physical Education--Men</span></div>]
PEM - Physical Education--Men
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PEW - Physical Education-Women</span></div>]
PEW - Physical Education-Women
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PHL - Philosophy</span></div>]
PHL - Philosophy
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PHO - Photography</span></div>]
PHO - Photography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PHY - Physics</span></div>]
PHY - Physics
Hide details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PLE - Police: Law Enforcement</span></div>]
PLE - Police: Law Enforcement

PLE 101 - Fundamentals of Policing

14 Credits

This course examines and introduces recruit officers to the criminal justice system with special emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of police officers. Focuses on the legal basis for law enforcement operations starting with the United States Constitution and specifically exploring the State of New York: Penal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Vehicle and traffic Law, and Juvenile Procedures. Report writing skills are taught and practiced. Recruit officers are introduced to defensive tactics-basic techniques used by police officers. Recruit officers are introduced to physical fitness and wellness designed to meet the needs of law enforcement professionals including a pre-test. Must be a sworn police officer or peace officer employed or sponsored by a law enforcement agency.

PLE 102 - Police Proficiencies and Procedures

18 Credits

This course focuses on the proficiencies and procedures applied through critical thinking techniques and hands-on development. Analytical, investigative techniques are developed. Application of the scientific method to criminal and traffic investigation is developed. Firearms training, Emergency vehicle operation, and emergency medical service skills are developed. Intermediate defensive tactics skills and intermediate physical fitness training and wellness including a mid-test are further developed. Must be a sworn police officer or peace officer employed or sponsored by a law enforcement agency.

PLE 103 - The Community and Policing: Serving Special Populations

14 Credits

This course is designed to give each officer insight into the cultural diversity and special needs of the community he/she will serve. Special emphasis is placed on ethical issues, stress and community resources and services. The course will also teach the officer how to effectively and compassionately deal with child abuse cases, emotionally disturbed persons, conflict management and persons with disabilities, as well as how to become a crime prevention resource. Advanced defensive tactics training with proficiency testing and advanced physical fitness and wellness training and final testing included in this course. Must be a sworn police officer or peace officer employed or sponsored by a law enforcement agency.

PLE 104 - Practicum in Policing I

4 Credits

This four-week course is designed to place police recruits into an application laboratory experience where they apply the basic principles, theories, and techniques taught in the training academy. The officer/deputy recruits are under close supervision of an assessment professional - the Field Training Officer. Successful completion of this course leads to certification as a Police Officer by the NYS Bureau for Municipal Police. Also offered in Summer.

Prerequisites: PLE 101, PLE 102, PLE 103.

PLE 108 - Corrections Officer Basic Training

22 Credits

This course examines the operations of the criminal justice system with general emphasis on the role and responsibility of a corrections officer. This 15-week course is designed to prepare a student for a career in the corrections field. It is a knowledge and skills based program. The course focuses on the legal basis for the corrections system, starting with a review of the United States Constitution; exploring the New York State Penal and Criminal Procedure Laws. It also covers those personal and professional skills necessary to each successful corrections officer. State certification is awarded upon successful completion. Student must be hired and sworn as a corrections officer.

PLE 131 - Breath Analysis Operator

2 Credits

This course is designed to prepare students to operate a variety of breath test equipment and be able to correctly interpret the findings of the tests. The chemical composition of alcohol is explored, as well as show the various instruments analyze the subject's breath for measurable traces of alcohol. The student is eligible for New York State certification upon successful completion of this course.

Prerequisite: Must be a sworn police or peace officer.

PLE 140 - Criminal Investigation

4.5 Credits

The Basic Criminal Investigations course will familiarize new police investigators with the process of investigations. The topics included include documentation, information gathering techniques, investigative tools and techniques, crime analysis and crime patterning, informants and confidential sources, forensics, crimes against persons, crimes against property, specialized investigative topics courtroom testimony/case preparation, and media relations.

Prerequisite: Current law enforcement officer status, or acceptable alternative as authorized by Public Safety Training Facility.

PLE 151 - Police Baton (PR-24)

2 Credits

This course will provide students with the methods to instruct others in the use of the PR-24 Police Baton. The student will be required to demonstrate proficiency with the PR-24, as well as test their knowledge on the use of force as defined in New York State Penal law. Instructional techniques will be discussed and the student will be tested on their ability to instruct others.

PLE 153 - RADAR/LIDAR Operator

2 Credits

This course will train students in the proper use of RADAR speed detection instruments. The curriculum includes RADAR theory, vehicle and traffic law, court preparation and presentation. Each student will develop skills in calibrating the RADAR equipment and practice speed estimates.

Prerequisite: Must be a sworn police or peace officer.

PLE 165 - Enhanced In-Service

.5-1 Credit

Designed for public safety professionals, this course provides 7-15 hours
of annual, required common core instruction, including updates on changes
in the field. This instruction will be encompassed from the Bureau of
Municipal Police, Office of Public Safety general subject areas for police in-
service education. The subject areas will be legal issues, police and the
public, police procedures, mechanics of arrest, and educational electives.
A lecturer/facilitator will present this instruction. At the conclusion of this course the participant will be given an authentic assessment consisting of one or more of the following: written test, oral exam, oral reporting, practical performance exam of skills learned or peer assessment. Due to the annual requirement of instruction, this course may be taken more than once.

PLE 201 - Interview and Interrogation

2 Credits

The program is designed to provide investigators with proven techniques that can be applied in various accusatory and non-accusatory interview situations. Participants will develop skills in preparing for the interrogation with a "game plan" which emphasizes a pro-active rather than reactive role. Participants will learn what to expect, what to look for, and how to interpret what is happening in the interrogation setting. A series of lectures, video tape exercises, practical hands-on classroom experiences, and evening assignments are used in the instruction. The program includes up-to-date information on the legal aspects of interrogation and admissibility of the confession into court. Student must be in service as a public safety professional.

PLE 202 - Tactical Warrant Service and Building Searches

2 Credits

This course will educate public safety officers assigned to conduct building searches and narcotic search warrants. The curriculum includes situational risk analysis, legal issues and liability, planning, briefing, critiquing exercises, Active Countermeasures, Dynamic and Covert Entry techniques, weapons control and retention, and basic and advanced shooting skills. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate their proficiency by written test, oral report, practical exam of performance skills, and peer assessment. Must be a sworn police or peace officer.

PLE 204 - Practicum in Policing II

16 Credits

This sixteen-week course places the recruit officer/deputy into an application laboratory experience in which his/her degree of direct involvement accelerates with experience. He/she applies the principles, theories and techniques taught in the academy stage, to the operating demands of the street. The officer/deputy is under the close and continuous supervision of a specially trained assessment professional - the Field Training Officer. Successful completion of this course leads to certification as a Police Officer by the NYS Bureau of Municipal Police. Also offered in Summer.

Prerequisites: PLE 101, PLE 102, PLE 103.

PLE 210 - Police Supervision

6 Credits

The purpose of the course in Police Supervision is to insure that law enforcement officers newly promoted to supervisory rank receive a course of professional training in the principles of supervision and management to prepare them to carry out their duties properly. This course reflects a balanced overview of the role of the supervisor and also provides an understanding of the knowledge and the skills needed by the supervisor to function effectively, efficiently, and professionally. Special emphasis is placed on incident management, leadership skills, communications, and resource development. Student must be a law enforcement professional who is in line for promotion.

PLE 220 - Instructor Development Course

4.5 Credits

Public safety professionals have important knowledge and skills obtained through study and life experience. This course will provide the tools for the Bureau of Municipal Police instructor candidate to develop the research, preparation, and communication skills necessary for effective presentations. The focus is on training needs, writing instructional objectives, lesson planning, graphic support, adult learning concepts, communication skills, the instructional process, and assessment. Participants will be required to develop and deliver a fifty-minute instructional block on a police topic of their choice. Student must be in service as a public safety professional.

PLE 221 - Field Training and Evaluation

2 Credits

This course will provide the proper concepts of leadership and techniques of assessment, counseling, and documentation necessary for an experienced public safety professional to supervise and evaluate newly assigned recruit officers who have completed the academic component of basic recruit training. The focus is to develop the abilities of the experienced public safety professional to assist the recruit in a smooth transition from academic lecture to street reality. Successful completion of this course fulfills the requirements to become a Field Training Officer. Student must be in service as a public safety professional for at least three years.

PLE 222 - Firearms Instructor Course

4 Credits

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to instruct police and peace officers in the use of firearms in law enforcement.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Basic Course for Police Officers or Basic Course for Peace Officers, and three years of experience in a police or peace officer position that requires carrying a firearm. Sworn "active" police or peace officer. DCJS General Topics certification.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Basic Course for Police Officers or Basic Course for Peace Officers, and three years of experience in a police or peace officer position that requires carrying a firearm. Sworn "active" police or peace officer. DCJS General Topics certification.

PLE 230 - Contemporary Issues in Public Safety I

.5 Credits

This contemporary issues course provides the opportunity for public safety professionals to intensively confront the operational, administrative, leadership, and training issues of the day in the time compressed decision making environment of public safety agencies. A lecturer/facilitator will present the issue to be explored, analyze it, and then facilitate an exchange among the registrants on how the public safety community should respond. Some examples of issues to be confronted are increasing homicide rates, community notification on crime patterns and criminals, bias crime, and high speed pursuits, among others. At the end of the course, each registrant will author a position paper on the issue and her/his recommended public safety response. Due to the changing nature of the subject matter, this course may be taken more than once. Student must be in service as a public safety professional.

PLE 231 - Contemporary Issues in Public Safety II

1 Credit

This contemporary issues course provides the opportunity for public safety professionals to intensively confront the operational, administrative, leadership, and training issues of the day in the time compressed decision making environment of public safety agencies. A lecturer/facilitator will present the issue to be explored, analyze it, and then facilitate an exchange among the registrants on how the public safety community should respond. Some examples of issues to be confronted are increasing homicide rates, community notification on crime patterns and criminals, bias crime, and high speed pursuits, among others. At the end of the course, each registrant will author a position paper on the issue and her/his recommended public safety response. Due to the changing nature of the subject matter, this course may be taken more than once. Student must be in service as a public safety professional.

PLE 233 - Crime Scene and Evidence Handling

4.5 Credits

This course is the entry level offering for evidence technicians and specialists on the scientific techniques for processing a crime scene. Topic areas to be explored include constitutional and statutory law on search, seizure and admissibility of evidence, determining the expanse of the crime scene(s), the conduct of confined space and open field searches, types of searches, evidence collection techniques, evidence control, packaging and documentation, and court room testimony. Special attention will be placed on explosion, detonation and arson processing. Must currently be a police officer.

Prerequisite: PLE 152.

PLE 234 - Defensive Tactics Instructor

4 Credits

This course is designed to develop specialized content knowledge for New York State Bureau of Municipal Police certified General Topics Instructors. The course focuses on the continuum of force which law enforcement officers may employ in restraining and arresting an individual. Topics to be explored include the law and policy on the use of force, the defensive tactics system, stimulus response training, levels of force/restraint on the continuum, verbal and physical techniques and safety considerations and techniques. The course will include both instructional and performance components. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive specialty certification by the New York State Bureau of Municipal Police as a Defensive Tactics Instructor. Must be a Peace or Police Officer.

Prerequisite: PLE 220.

PLE 244 - Advanced Firearms Instructor

2 Credits

This course is designed to develop advanced instructional techniques for New York State Bureau of Municipal Police certified Firearms Instructors. Topics to be explored include weapon retention, response techniques to deficient shooters, safe operation of range facilities, instruction on and uses of special weapons, instruction on low light shooting, Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards for range operations, and legal obligations of range operators.

Prerequisite: PLE 222.

PLE 265 - Supervisor Enhanced In-Service

.5-1 Credit

This course provides 7-15 hours of annual required common core instruction on operational, supervisory and management theories and techniques for the public safety supervisor. This instruction will be encompassed from the Bureau of Municipal Police, Public Safety Office general subject areas for police in-service education. The subject areas will include: legal issues, police and the public, police procedures, mechanics of arrest, and educational electives. A lecturer/facilitator will present this instructional. At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be given an authentic assessment consisting of one or more of the following: written test, oral exam, oral reporting, practical performance exam of skills learned, or peer assessment. Due to the annual requirement of instruction, this course may be taken more than once. Must be in service as a Supervisor for Public Safety Professionals.

PLE 270 - Contemporary Issues in Public Safety

Variable Credit

This contemporary issues course provides the opportunity for public safety professionals to intensively confront the operational, administrative, leadership and training issues of the day in the time compressed, decision making environment of public safety agencies. A lecturer/facilitator will present the issue to be explored, analyze it and then facilitate an exchange among the registrants on how the public safety community should respond. Some examples of issues to be confronted are increasing homicide are increasing homicide rates, community notification on crime patterns and criminals, bias crime, and high speed pursuits, among others. At the end of the course, each registrant will author a position paper on the issue and her/his recommended public safety response. Due to the changing nature of the subject matter, this course may be taken more than once. Student must be in service as a public safety professional.

PLE 290 - Independent Study

Variable Credit

See the Department Chairperson.

Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PLS - Paralegal Studies</span></div>]
PLS - Paralegal Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">POS - Political Science</span></div>]
POS - Political Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education</s
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PSC - Public Safety Communications</span></d
PSC - Public Safety Communications
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PST - Public Safety Training</span></div>]
PST - Public Safety Training
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">PSY - Psychology</span></div>]
PSY - Psychology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">Public Speaking</span></div>]
Public Speaking
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">REA - Reading</span></div>]
REA - Reading
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SCI - Science</span></div>]
SCI - Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SCR - Computer Security</span></div>]
SCR - Computer Security
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SGT - Surgical Technology</span></div>]
SGT - Surgical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SKT - Tooling and Machining</span></div>]
SKT - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SMT - Sports Management</span></div>]
SMT - Sports Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SOC - Sociology</span></div>]
SOC - Sociology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language</span></div>]
SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SPC - Speech Communication</span></div>]
SPC - Speech Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">STT - Solar Thermal Technology</span></div>]
STT - Solar Thermal Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SUS - Sustainability Studies</span></div>]
SUS - Sustainability Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">SVL - Service Learning</span></div>]
SVL - Service Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">TAM - Tooling and Machining</span></div>]
TAM - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">TEK - Technology</span></div>]
TEK - Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">THE - Theatre</span></div>]
THE - Theatre
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">TOY - Toyota</span></div>]
TOY - Toyota
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">TRS - Transitional Studies</span></div>]
TRS - Transitional Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">TVL - Travel And Tourism</span></div>]
TVL - Travel And Tourism
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content"><span style="font-weight:bold">XRT - Radiologic Technology</span></div>]
XRT - Radiologic Technology