Fire Protection Technology Course Descriptions
FPT 101 - Fire Behavior and Combustion
This course explores the theories and fundamentals of how and why fires start, spread, and are controlled. Topics include the basic principles of fire chemistry; the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses; the process of fire combustion; and fire behavior. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Offered Fall Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Differentiate between the various types of extinguishing agents.
- Apply the knowledge of fire behavior to preventing fire.
- Apply the knowledge of fire behavior to suppressing fire.
- Apply the knowledge of combustion to preventing fire.
- Apply the knowledge of fire behavior to increasing the margin of safety of the firefighter.
- Apply the knowledge of combustion to increasing the margin of safety of the firefighter.
FPT 102 - Fire Prevention and Inspection
The fundamental requirements of fire prevention. This course emphasizes the laws applied to fire prevention, including federal fire safety requirements for industry and commerce, solving technical problems encountered, recognition of hazards, prevention of fires and inspection techniques. Special attention is applied to life safety from fire in the home, school, public assembly, and all other places where people are assembled and endangered by fire. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Offered Fall Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Conduct fire inspections to limit the occurrence and spread of fire.
- Identify possible hazards and recommend corrective action.
- Analyze technical systems and processes for safe operation.
- Employ sound fire prevention and inspection principles in pre-incident planning.
FPT 103 - Building Materials and Construction
Fundamentals of building construction methods and materials of construction. The approach is to study the stability of buildings and materials under fire conditions. The emphasis is upon safety under fire conditions and the technology of limiting fire spread in new and existing buildings. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Offered Spring Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of building construction as it relates to firefighter safety, building codes, fire prevention, code inspection, and firefighting strategy.
- Classify major types of building construction.
- Analyze the hazards and tactical considerations associated with the various types of building construction.
- Explain the different loads and stresses that are placed on a building and their interrelationships.
- Identify the principle structural components of building and demonstrate an understanding of the functions of each.
- Differentiate between fire resistance and flame spread, and describe the testing procedures used to establish ratings for each.
- Identify the indicators of potential structural failure as they relate to firefighter safety.
FPT 105 - History of the Fire Service
This course examines the historical evolution of the American fire service. The fire service has its roots in ancient Roman and European societies and has been shaped in the United States by historical fire events, improvement in equipment and technology, and notable leaders and innovators. An understanding of how it developed provides insight into its current structure, operation, and culture. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Offered Spring Only, Online Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Summarize the historical evolution of the American fire service from its roots in Roman and European society to its modern incarnation.
- Describe major fire events and how it has influenced modern firefighting.
- Discuss historical fire service leaders and how they have shaped the modern fire service.
- Describe major innovations that have shaped the modern fire service.
- Evaluate the state of the modern fire service in the United States.
- Predict the future direction of the fire service in the United States based on its historical roots, tradition, and culture.
FPT 204 - Fire Service Strategy and Tactics
This course provides the principles of fire ground control through utilization of personnel, equipment, and extinguishing agents. Fire suppression and control of small, large, and special incidents is covered. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Prerequisite: FPT 101. Offered Spring Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Summarize fireground operations and their requirements for routine fire service responses.
- Conduct a proper incident scene size-up.
- Develop an appropriate incident action plan with alternatives.
- Implement the Incident Management System and its components as required at an incident.
FPT 211 Fire Investigation: Cause and Origin
A broad study of fire investigation is presented. The means to identify the origin and cause of a fire, properly conduct a fire scene investigation, and understand arson laws are emphasized. Topics include fire behavior, determining point of origin, ignition sources, fire scene investigation, and legal aspects of the discipline. Three class hours. Prerequisites: FPT 101, FPT 103. Offered Fall Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the Fire Investigation Scientific Methodology to accurately determine the cause and origin of a fire.
- Reconstruct the origin and cause of a fire.
- Apply the arson laws of New York State to the investigation of fires.
- Conduct a thorough and scientific fire scene investigation.
FPT 212 - Fire Service Hydraulics
This course is a theoretical study to understand the principles of the use of water in fire protection and to apply hydraulic principles to analyze and solve water supply problems. The student can expect to apply the application of math and physics to the movement of water in fire suppression activities; analyze the community fire flow demand criteria; and demonstrate understanding of hydraulics, water characteristics, fluid pressure, hydrostatics, hydrokinetics, nozzle reaction, nozzle pressure, water distribution systems, sprinkler and standpipe systems, determination of required fire flow, fire service pump design, friction loss calculations, pump discharge pressures, parallel lines, Wyed lines, aerial stream calculations, fire streams, and the four hydraulic laws of friction loss. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Prerequisite(s): MTH 150 or higher, FPT 101, FPT 102, FPT 103, FPT 105. Offered Spring Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the physical properties of water to the movement of water in fire suppression activities.
- Calculate appropriate water flow pressure and volume for a fire suppression scenario.
- Analyze community fire flow demand criteria.
- Describe the basic components and operations of sprinkler systems.
- Describe the basic components and operations of standpipe systems.
FPT 215 - Hazardous Materials Technician
This course prepares emergency response personnel to effectively and safely respond to hazardous materials incidents. Focuses include chemistry and toxicology of hazardous materials; the dangerous properties of chemicals; the use of detection instruments, confinement and containment procedures, including hands-on application; incident management and safety procedures; decontamination; and the selection and use of chemical protective clothing with hands-on practice. This course meets the training requirements of OSHA 1910.120 for the Hazardous Materials Technician. Three class hours. 3 Credits. Prerequisite: FPT 101. Offered Fall Only, Hybrid Format
Learning Outcomes:
- Analyze a hazmat/WMD incident to determine the complexity of the problem and potential outcomes.
- Plan a response within the capabilities of available personnel, personal protective equipment and control equipment.
- Implement the plan to favorably change the outcomes consistent with the standard operating procedures and site safety and control plan.
- Evaluate the progress of the planned response.
- Demonstrate the proper methods in terminating an incident.
FPT 260 - Contemporary Issues in the Fire Service (Online)
This course will provide students with instruction and investigation into special fire service and fire protection topics. Special topics include contemporary fire service management issues, fire protection technology advancements, homeland security and terrorism preparedness, special operations, special strategy and tactics, etc. 45 Instructional hours. 3 Credits. Prerequisites: FPT 101, FPT 102, and FPT 105; all with a grade of C or higher. Offered Fall Only, Online Format
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, the student shall be able to:
- Explain contemporary issues facing the fire service.
- Explain emerging trends in the fire service.
- Identify potential future issues that will affect the fire service.
- Compare historical fire attack strategies with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-influenced firefighting tactics.
- Explain how the issues covered in this course impact fire service organizations.
FPT 290 - Independent Study (3cr per semester)
Contact Fire Rescue Coordinator Josh Henneman for further details at or 585-753-3710
Contact Us
1190 Scottsville Road
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 753 - 3800
Fax: (585) 753 - 3850