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Course Descriptions

The following is a complete listing of courses offered at MCC. You can also visit our Programs of Study page for a list of course requirements necessary to complete your degree.

Please note: Special Studies is a general heading for experimental courses or those for which the demand is untested, unknown, immediate, or temporary. You can visit our Special Studies page for a list of Special Studies courses.

Click on the arrow to view a list of course descriptions for each program.

Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">AAD - Applied Art and Design</div>]
AAD - Applied Art and Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ACC - Accounting</div>]
ACC - Accounting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency</div>]
ACD - Alcohol/Chemical Dependency
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">AGS - Agricultural Studies</div>]
AGS - Agricultural Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ANT - Anthropology</div>]
ANT - Anthropology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language</div>]
ARA - Arabic/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ART - Art</div>]
ART - Art
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language</div>]
ASL - American Sign Language/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ATP - Automotive Technology</div>]
ATP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">BIO - Biology</div>]
BIO - Biology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">BUS - Business</div>]
BUS - Business
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CDL - Interdisciplinary</div>]
CDL - Interdisciplinary
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CE  - Disney College Program Internship</div>]
CE - Disney College Program Internship
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CEL - Leadership</div>]
CEL - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CHE - Chemistry</div>]
CHE - Chemistry
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language</div>]
CHI - Chinese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CIN - Cinema Studies</div>]
CIN - Cinema Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CIT - Civil and Construction Technology</div>]
CIT - Civil and Construction Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician</div>]
CLT - Clinical Laboratory Technician
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">COM - Communication</div>]
COM - Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">COS - College Success</div>]
COS - College Success
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CPT - Computer Technology</div>]
CPT - Computer Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CRC - Computer Related Curricula</div>]
CRC - Computer Related Curricula
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CRJ - Criminal Justice</div>]
CRJ - Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">CSC - Computer Science</div>]
CSC - Computer Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">DAS - Dental Assisting</div>]
DAS - Dental Assisting
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">DEN - Dental Hygiene</div>]
DEN - Dental Hygiene
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EBL - Experience Based Learning</div>]
EBL - Experience Based Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ECE - Education and Early Care</div>]
ECE - Education and Early Care
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ECO - Economics</div>]
ECO - Economics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EDU - Education</div>]
EDU - Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics</div>]
ELT - Electrical Engineering Technology/Electronics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">EMS - Emergency Medical Services</div>]
EMS - Emergency Medical Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENG - English Literature</div>]
ENG - English Literature
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENG - English Writing</div>]
ENG - English Writing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ENR - Engineering Science</div>]
ENR - Engineering Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)</div>]
ESL - English For Speakers Of Other Languages (ESOL)
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FPT - Fire Protection Technology</div>]
FPT - Fire Protection Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FRE - French/Foreign Language</div>]
FRE - French/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">FSA - Food Service Administration</div>]
FSA - Food Service Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GEG - Geography</div>]
GEG - Geography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GEO - Geology</div>]
GEO - Geology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GER - German/Foreign Language</div>]
GER - German/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">GLF - Golf Management</div>]
GLF - Golf Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language</div>]
HBR - Hebrew/Foreign Language
Hide details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HED - Health Education</div>]
HED - Health Education
HED 101 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Care
This course emphasizes how to recognize and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies for adults, children and infants, heart disease and injury prevention, two rescuer CPR, use of resuscitation mask and valve, and identifying and caring for life-threatening bleeding. The student will be eligible for Certification in Basic Life Support through the American Heart Association. 1 Credit.
HED 108 - Health, Family and Society
The focus of the course is to understand the societal influences and apply the concepts of wellness and holistic health within ourselves and our families. Specific issues will include multiple dimensions of health, prevention of lifestyle diseases, exploring choices that promote family and individual health and wellness, and creating a personal wellness plan. 2 Credits.
HED 110 - Disease Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles
This course is designed to identify factors that contribute to the most common lifestyle diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, chronic lung diseases, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression), and common infectious diseases (influenza, STI and HIV). Health promotion and disease prevention measures will be discussed with focus on nutrition, physical activity, emotional wellness, stress management, personal choices and behavior. Upon completion of the course the student will have a balanced health and wellness plan. 2 Credits.
HED 114 - Health and Safety in the Workplace
This course is designed to help facilitate a high level of well-being for the worker and aid the individual in achieving desirable health and safety practices in their life and profession. Topics explored include home, fire, motor vehicle, occupational, recreational, school, natural and man-made disasters, and personal safety and wellness. Emergency care procedures are presented and students will demonstrate competency in recognition and care for breathing emergencies for adults, children, infants, one and two rescuer CPR, use of resuscitation mask, bag, valve, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), identifying and caring for life-threatening bleeding, sudden illness, and injuries. The student will learn how to create a plan for safety and wellness and will have the opportunity to obtain certification in CPR, AED (Basic Life Support) through the American Heart Association and First Aid through the American Red Cross. 2 Credits.
HED 115 - Death and Dying
This course will discuss issues related to the experience of death, dying, loss and bereavement through a multi and cross-cultural lens of race, class and gender. The course will explore the historical and contemporary issues around community and individual health, life expectancy, mortality, and morbidity rates, as well as geographic, social and cultural aspects of loss. Students will explore the impact of the intersectionality of race, class, and gender, social justice, equity and access in lives of diverse communities as it pertains to loss. Topics include attitudes about death, loss in the lives of adults and children, modes of death, death and loss rituals within cultures and communities, suicide, violence, trauma, illness, disease, living wills, funeral plans as well as historical and current practices and trends in health care 3 Credits.
HED 116 - Issues in Child Development and Health
This course examines the influence of the social determinants of health/social factors on health content areas defined by the New York State Education Department. The course emphasizes research methodology in the social sciences, and critical reasoning, including argument analysis and development, to address critical health issues such as biological, psychological, cognitive, and sociological development, childhood stress, nutrition, physical activity, mental and emotional health, human sexuality, safety, violence, child abuse, death, family life, and environmental factors. The course will also integrate theories related to human behavior and include the creation of a wellness plan from an educator’s or caregiver’s perspective to serve as role modeling for youth, and provide the opportunity for certification in identifying and reporting suspected child abuse/maltreatment, and Safe Schools Against Violence in Education. 3 Credits.
HED 118 - Introduction to Safety and Emergency Care
This course emphasizes the key areas of safety, accident prevention and mitigation across diverse populations. Safety topics explored include home, fire, motor vehicle, occupational, recreational, school, personal fitness/wellness, and natural and man-made disasters. Students will be required to analyze preventative measures and develop arguments pertaining to whether or not each measure is reliable, realistic, and potentially effective. They will create a health education/safety plan pertaining to a topic of personal interest. Emergency care procedures will be presented using scenarios that require students to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will demonstrate competency in recognition and care for breathing emergencies for adults, children, infants, one and two rescuer CPR, use of resuscitation mask, bag, valve, Automated External Defibrillator (AED), identifying and caring for life-threatening bleeding, sudden illness, and injuries. Students will have the opportunity to earn American Heart Association Certification in Basic Life Support CPR and American Red Cross First Aid. 3 Credits.
HED 130 - Foundations of Health and Wellness
This course focuses on social determinants and personal responsibility for health, including data-driven risk and protective factors and their relationship to individual and societal well-being, behaviors, economics, and disease, with application of a health behavior change plan utilizing evidence-based data and models. The course emphasizes research methodology in the social sciences, information literacy, and critical reasoning to address content areas spanning the dimensions of health, as well as health-related career options. This course satisfies part of the requirements for MCC Health and Wellness Coach Certification eligibility and also includes the opportunity for certification in Identification and Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse/Maltreatment. 3 Credits.
HED 207 - Emotional Wellness
This course examines emotional wellness from a holistic point of view integrating the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of health. It emphasizes evidence-based primary and secondary prevention strategies related to the tenets of emotional wellness established by the National Institute of Wellness. Topics include: self-esteem, physical activity and emotional regulation, character building and happiness, anger management, value-based living, meditation, relationships, spirituality and resilience. 3 Credits.
HED 208 - Chronic and Communicable Disease
This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop a basic understanding of the biology of human diseases, disabilities and death, and to construct interventions to prevent or control them. Using the descriptive and analytic epidemiologic approaches the student will study selected diseases/conditions. Common infectious and chronic/lifestyle diseases will be explored. Using collected scientific data and scientific reasoning’s, students will create a healthy lifestyle plan that can be applied to current situations. The contemporary strategic plan for improving the nation’s health will be reviewed and discussed in conjunction with the diseases/disorders presented. 3 Credits.
HED 209 - Drugs and Behavior
This course is designed to inform the student about the issue of chemical dependencies. Basic pharmacology and the effects of different psychoactive substances on the human body and how they impact physical and psychological health and wellness.The biological, psychological and sociological reasons for drug-seeking behavior will be discussed.Treatment,recovery,and prevention methods will be studied for effectiveness in physical health and wellness Topics pertaining to both legal and illegal drug use, abuse and dependency will be covered. This will be accomplished through the use of lectures, class discussions and reaction papers. The student upon completion will be able to develop their own personal health and wellness plan to live a substance abuse free life. 3 Credits.
HED 210 - Integrative Health and Behavior Change Methods
This course provides an exploration and in-depth study into the field of integrative health and wellness from historical, political, economic and practical perspectives. Learners apply this knowledge base to the development of a variety of wellness coaching skills, such as consumer health navigation, wellness planning and motivational interviewing. 3 Credits.
HED 212 - Women's Health and Wellness
This course explores psychological and sociological, as well as historical, economic, and anthropological concepts related to health issues pertinent to women in their young adult years through middle to late adulthood. A conceptual framework based on theories in the social sciences, and integration of the scientific method and methods utilized by social scientists to obtain data, will be used to explore health and wellness issues, such as stress, psychosocial/socio-emotional wellness, exercise, nutrition, addiction, relationships, sexuality, disease and behavior choices to support self-care via a personal self-care/wellness plan. 3 Credits.
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HEG - Health Education Global</div>]
HEG - Health Education Global
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HIM - Health Information Technology</div>]
HIM - Health Information Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HIS - History</div>]
HIS - History
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HMN - Humanities</div>]
HMN - Humanities
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HON - Honors Studies</div>]
HON - Honors Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HSM - Homeland Security Administration</div>]
HSM - Homeland Security Administration
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HSP - Hospitality</div>]
HSP - Hospitality
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HUM - Human Services</div>]
HUM - Human Services
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning</div>]
HVA - Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">IDE - Interior Design</div>]
IDE - Interior Design
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">ITA - Italian/Foreign Language</div>]
ITA - Italian/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language</div>]
JPN - Japanese/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LAS - Liberal Arts</div>]
LAS - Liberal Arts
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LAW - Law</div>]
LAW - Law
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">LDS - Leadership</div>]
LDS - Leadership
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MAR - Marketing</div>]
MAR - Marketing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MET - Mechanical Technology</div>]
MET - Mechanical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MIS - Management Information Systems</div>]
MIS - Management Information Systems
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MMP - Automotive Technology</div>]
MMP - Automotive Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MTH - Mathematics</div>]
MTH - Mathematics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">MUS - Music</div>]
MUS - Music
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">NUR - Nursing</div>]
NUR - Nursing
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">OFT - Office Technology</div>]
OFT - Office Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">OPT - Optical Systems Technology</div>]
OPT - Optical Systems Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PE  - Physical Education--Coed</div>]
PE - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEC - Physical Education--Coed</div>]
PEC - Physical Education--Coed
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice</div>]
PEJ - Physical Education-Criminal Justice
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEM - Physical Education--Men</div>]
PEM - Physical Education--Men
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PEW - Physical Education-Women</div>]
PEW - Physical Education-Women
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHL - Philosophy</div>]
PHL - Philosophy
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHO - Photography</div>]
PHO - Photography
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PHY - Physics</div>]
PHY - Physics
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PLE - Police: Law Enforcement</div>]
PLE - Police: Law Enforcement
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PLS - Paralegal Studies</div>]
PLS - Paralegal Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">POS - Political Science</div>]
POS - Political Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education</div>]
PPE - Physical Studies/Physical Education
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PSC - Public Safety Communications</div>]
PSC - Public Safety Communications
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PST - Public Safety Training</div>]
PST - Public Safety Training
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">PSY - Psychology</div>]
PSY - Psychology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">Public Speaking</div>]
Public Speaking
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">REA - Reading</div>]
REA - Reading
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SCI - Science</div>]
SCI - Science
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SCR - Computer Security</div>]
SCR - Computer Security
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SGT - Surgical Technology</div>]
SGT - Surgical Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SKT - Tooling and Machining</div>]
SKT - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SMT - Sports Management</div>]
SMT - Sports Management
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SOC - Sociology</div>]
SOC - Sociology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language</div>]
SPA - Spanish/Foreign Language
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SPC - Speech Communication</div>]
SPC - Speech Communication
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">STT - Solar Thermal Technology</div>]
STT - Solar Thermal Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SUS - Sustainability Studies</div>]
SUS - Sustainability Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">SVL - Service Learning</div>]
SVL - Service Learning
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TAM - Tooling and Machining</div>]
TAM - Tooling and Machining
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TEK - Technology</div>]
TEK - Technology
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">THE - Theatre</div>]
THE - Theatre
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TOY - Toyota</div>]
TOY - Toyota
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TRS - Transitional Studies</div>]
TRS - Transitional Studies
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">TVL - Travel And Tourism</div>]
TVL - Travel And Tourism
Show details for [<div class="Course_Table_Content">XRT - Radiologic Technology</div>]
XRT - Radiologic Technology