Imaging Services
Images Services provides imaging services to support classroom and on-line instruction, college related publications and promotion. Services include training, research, development and project assistance.
Interested in Photography?
MCC Students
- Interested in attending photography classes at MCC? Contact the Visual and Performing Arts Department.
Examples of Services
- Studio/Location Photography
- Portraiture
- Custom images for classroom and on-line instruction
- Imaging for college publications and promotion
- Multimedia Presentations - Imaging for PowerPoint and other presentation media
- Internet Content - Imaging for college instructional and promotional web pages
- Digital Image Manipulation - Customization of images with Photoshop and other image editing programs
- Production Quality Scanning - Professional quality scans for publications, etc.
- Consultation/Project Assistance
- Assistance with instructional and promotional projects
- Research, development and assistance with imaging software and hardware
- Training - Professional development courses in basic and advanced digital imaging, for MCC personnel
Policies and Procedures
- Please plan ahead. Schedule imaging services at least two weeks in advance.
- All projects must be MCC-related.
- Departments requesting services requiring large amounts of supplies may be asked to provide materials.
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 150
M - F 8am - 4pm
Jeremy Case
Multimedia Specialist
(585) 292-2588