Special Events

June Teaching & Learning Conference

For this year's Teaching & Learning Conference on June 7, 2024, we welcome Marcia Eames-Sheavly, Senior Lecturer Emerita in Horticulture at Cornell University and co-author of The Courage to Learn: Honoring the Complexity of Learning for Educators and Students (2023). The conference theme is The Courage to Learn: Inquiry into Self and Other.

After a short keynote, Marcia will engage us in a series of guided conversations meant to foster connections with each other and reconnect us to what matters about the work we do. All faculty and staff are welcome.

Location: Brighton Campus, Monroe A & B.  A remote option is available for those who cannot attend in person.

Online registration is required by May 29.


8:30 to 9:00am: Sign-in and breakfast 
9 to 9:15am: Welcomes and keynote
9:30am to12:00pm: Interactive presentation and workshop
12:00 to 1:00pm: Lunch 

About Marcia Eames-Sheavly

As an ICF Certified Integral Professional Coach and Courage & Renewal facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal, Marcia facilitates meaningful conversations among her colleagues and in her communities, aiming to manifest the dispositions that she believes are central to personal growth and social welfare: reflective practice, inclusivity, creative collaboration, and deep listening. She leads retreats and other programs in which participants are invited to step aside from the busyness of their lives and reconnect with the heart of who they are. Marcia has been the recipient of two national writing awards, along with receiving the American Horticultural Society’s Great American Gardener Teaching Award, the highest honor for teaching given by this society; the Innovative Teaching Award, offered by Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences for creativity in undergraduate teaching; the Kaplan Family Distinguished Faculty Fellowship, by the Cornell University Public Service Center for excellence in service learning, and the Professor of Merit award, given by College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in 2020, particularly distinguished as an award nominated by the senior class.

You can also visit the TCC's Brightspace for materials and recordings related to past conferences.