General Yearly College Now Calendar

Administrative Handbook Shortcuts:

High Schools must request fall and full year courses by May 15th of the previous academic year, and requests for spring courses must be made by November 15th. Course requests and teacher credentials can be submitted via email to College Now.

Some high school classes run for half year and others run the full academic year. There are three possible terms (or semesters) for College Now courses:

  • Fall only: begins in September and runs through January
  • Spring only: begins in late January / early February and runs through the middle of June
  • Full year: begins in September and runs through the middle of June

Note: MCC terms are generally much shorter.

August: College Now promotional materials are delivered to schools. Schools disseminate to teachers, classrooms, and families. A preview of courses offered at each school is available online.

September: Registration opens for Fall and full-year courses. An email confirmation of registration is sent to the student and parent email provided. Within one week of registration, student is mailed an account activation letter with information required to log in to the MCC student account and pay the bill online. High school instructors can access their rosters online, which will show the students that have registered for college credit.

October: Registration closes. Scholarships are processed and applied to the bills. Students are mailed an official college bill. During this month, student payment activity is monitored and automatic calls, text messages and post mail are used to remind / encourage payment. Courses with no enrollment will be canceled. When courses are canceled, the College Now office sends an email to the teacher, primary contact and faculty liaison. Also during October, the College Now office begins planning for Spring semester courses.  College Now staff members are available for high school Open House/Parents Nights.

November: College Now tuition is due. Students with unpaid bills will be dropped from the MCC roster. There is no academic or financial penalty for students that are dropped. Students can remain in the class for high school credit only. Faculty liaisons may conduct class visits.

December: College Now office sends Fall and Full Year final course rosters to high school primary contacts for distribution. Faculty liaisons conduct midterm and final exams and class visits. Students receive an electronic evaluation via email of their Fall course. 

January: Fall course withdrawal deadlines are in early January. College Now promotional materials for Spring classes are delivered to schools. Fall course final grades are due in late January. College Now staff members are available for high school curriculum planning night presentations.

February: Registration opens for Spring courses. An email confirmation of registration is sent to the student and parent email provided. Within one week of registration, student is mailed an account activation letter with information required to log in to the MCC student account and pay the bill online. High school instructors can access their roster online, which will show the students that have registered for college credit. Sections with low enrollment will be cancelled. Faculty liaisons continue communication with partner teachers and may conduct class visits.

March: Registration closes. Scholarships are processed and applied to the Spring bills. Students are mailed an official college bill. During this month, student payment activity is monitored and automatic calls, text messages and post mail are used to remind / encourage payment. Also, during March, the College Now office begins planning courses for the next academic year.  Primary contacts are asked for details needed to build and schedule courses for the next academic year.  Faculty may conduct class visits.

April: College Now tuition is due. Students with unpaid bills will be dropped from the MCC roster. There is no academic or financial penalty for students that are dropped. Students can remain in the class for high school credit only. Faculty may conduct class visits. Full-year course withdrawal deadline is mid- to late-April.

May: College Now office sends spring final course rosters to high school primary contact for distribution. Faculty conduct final exams and class visits. Student evaluation of Spring course is emailed to students. Spring course withdrawal deadline is late May. High school course requests for the following year are due.

June: Full-year and Spring course final grades are due in early June. Academic departments make final approval decisions on College Now master schedule for the upcoming year.