Ad Astra Webinar Request Information
- Log into Ad Astra:
- Use Chrome browser only. Do not use Explorer or Firefox.
- Enter your MCC email address and password when prompted.
- Click Request Event and choose Webinar Request on the Event Request Wizard form.
- Fill in the Contact & Event information.
- For panelists, include their full name and preferred email address.
- ex. Jonathan Smith –
- RSVP is not required.
- RSVP will offer the ability to check how many attendees have signed up in the days leading up to your event, produce a report after the webinar of all attendees, and can include source tracking.
- Source Tracking allows you to track what websites attendees register from. Standard referring sites include MCC Website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
- Click “Add meeting” button to set the date and time of the Webinar.
- For Meeting Type, choose Webinar.
- Click “Assign Rooms” button and select Webinar - room 1 or Webinar - room 2 (depending on expected attendance).
- Add your Event Description.
- Click Submit.
Note: If this is your first time signing onto Ad Astra or you encounter issues accessing the webinar form, please contact a Campus Events Representative for assistance.
Contact Information
Campus Events Office
Building 3, Room 108
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2010
1000 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, New York 14623