Employer Expectations

Top 3 things employers typically discuss at Job Fairs:

  • Company benefits.
  • Information on current job openings.
  • General company information.

Remember: You only get one chance to make a great first impression!

Things to Avoid

The following are the results from a survey done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. According to employers, the following are the biggest things to avoid during a Career Fair (in order of importance):

  1. Lacking focus and not knowing what type of position to look for. Admitting “I’ll take anything” or answering “I don’t know” when asked about interests.
  2. Not dressing neatly or professionally.
  3. Not bringing resumes.
  4. Lacking knowledge of a company and/or confusing the company for someone else.
  5. Lacking enthusiasm or interest in the company or job opportunities.
  6. Asking about salary.
  7. Not asking any questions, asking inappropriate questions, and having a poor or unprofessional attitude.

Other Student Mistakes

Other student mistakes sited by employers include:

  1. Grabbing free stuff.
  2. Not making eye contact.
  3. Lacking communication skills.
  4. Not being willing to relocate.
  5. Not bringing anything to write on.
  6. Giving a weak handshake.
  7. Not taking the time to fill out the job application when asked.